Nightclub to hold disco for adults with additional needs

Fever nightclub in Banbury
Fever nightclub in Banbury

A popular nightclub in Banbury is holding a disco for adults with additional needs at the end of this week.

The disco will be held on Thursday, May 30 at Fever nightclub, located at 49-50 High Street, Banbury.

Event organiser and employee at charity You and Me Supported Living, Ilja Abbattista, said she is taking the initiative to organise this event independently to 'enrich the community'.

The event will run from 7pm until 9pm, and Ms Abbattista says it will be tailored to provide a 'safe, welcoming, and enjoyable environment for everyone'.

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There will also be a quieter area for those who may need a more relaxed space during the event.

Oxford Mail:
Oxford Mail:

Ms Abbattista said: "If this event is well-received, we are excited to consider making it a monthly gathering, potentially held on the last Thursday of each month.

"This could be a fantastic opportunity for regular socialising in a supportive and fun environment.

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She added: "This event is crafted to bring together individuals from all walks of life who may benefit from a friendly, inclusive social setting.

"My goal is to extend the reach of our supportive environment to more members of the community, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to engage in enjoyable and meaningful social interactions.

"This gathering at Fever Nightclub represents a personal commitment to fostering inclusivity and community spirit."

The entrance fee will be £5, and carers and support workers accompanying guests can attend free of charge, which Ms Abbattista says is 'a token of our appreciation for your invaluable support'.