Nottinghamshire Police share picture of man dubbed 'clear risk to women' as awful crimes revealed

Jack Mochun mug shot
-Credit: (Image: Nottinghamshire Police)

A "violent and controlling bully" who suffocated his ex-girlfriend by pushing her face into a mattress at a house in Nottingham has been jailed. Jack Mochun, 24, attacked the woman multiple times in 2022 and 2023.

He left her fearing for her life and with a dislocated shoulder after intentionally suffocating her with the mattress during one brutal assault in January 2023, Nottinghamshire Police said. He then threatened and harassed his victim once she ended the relationship.

Appearing at Nottingham Crown Court on Monday, June 10, Mochun, of Seely Road, Radford, was jailed for two-and-a-half years and made the subject of a restraining order. Police were informed about his behaviour on September 16, 2023 – the same day he smashed a glass into the face of a man he’d only just met after an evening of drinking in Sherwood.

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The victim, a man aged in his 40s, was left with cuts to his face and damage to his eye after he was punched and kicked by Mochun at a house in Carrington. Mochun gave no comment responses to all questions posed to him in his police interview but later pleaded guilty to intentional suffocation, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, harassment and four counts of assault by beating.

He also admitted to causing grievous bodily harm without intent to his second victim. Detective Sergeant Paul Clark, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “Mochun is a violent and controlling bully who poses a clear risk to women. I am pleased he has now been jailed and would like to thank his victims for the bravery and determination they have shown throughout the legal process.

“I hope he uses his time in jail to address the causes of this violence and also hope his conviction encourages other victims of domestic abuse to come forward and tell us about what has happened to them. We will investigate and we will do whatever we can to prosecute offenders and protect victims.”