OVO Energy issues 'ban' warning to customers and says 'our research shows'

OVO Energy has found 85 per cent want to own an electric vehicle in the next five years. But the energy firm - which is rivalled by the likes of British Gas, EDF, EOn Next and more - also found almost two-thirds (62%) say high costs remain the main barrier to switching.

New research calls into question the delay of the new petrol and diesel car ban as drivers indicate incentives could be the key to earlier EV adoption. 65 per cent say they are more likely to buy an electric vehicle (EV) if they have free miles incentives. OVO has launched OVO Beyond, the UK’s first ‘Energy Savings Account’, allowing customers to bank credit that can be redeemed against future EV miles.

Customers will be able to bank 100 free miles a month – up to 2,400 miles over two years to be redeemed when signing up to Charge Anytime. The ‘Energy Savings Account’ could help power their switch to an EV with up to 2,400 free miles already in the tank – or 10 return trips from London to Bristol.

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Mat Moakes, Chief Commercial Officer, OVO said in a statement: “Our research shows it’s not a lack of willingness or support from consumers to move to electric vehicles. Any delay to our net zero targets risks undermining the UK’s position as a leader in the move to a climate positive world.

"The future is electric and we will continue to call for the country to unite and work with us on a greener future that the public can get behind.” Climate Scientist, Professor Mark Maslin said: "The UK public is clearly ready to switch to electric cars; they just need the right financial support.

"They want clean urban air, efficient and cheap personal transport. As usual, what is holding back this transition is government. Electric cars need to be more affordable and have clear lines of credit available so the public can justify buying EVs.”