'Parents shouldn't be fined for taking children on holiday in term-time - it's unfair to poor families'

The Foreign Office has issued some travel advice
A stock image of two parents and a child at an airport -Credit:Getty Images

Childhood holidays can create family memories that last for a lifetime.

But with parents and carers facing fines for taking children out of school for holidays, is it fair to only enable families who can afford the peak rates to travel the world? The government's argument for keeping children in school, other than in exceptional circumstances, is to benefit their education and mental well-being.

And children have half-term dates throughout the year, as well as the longer Christmas, Easter, and summer breaks. But these times of year are notoriously expensive for travel, which means some parents have opted to take children out of school for cheaper deals out of the peak times, along with other reasons, such as working patterns.


The government is now cracking down on these unauthorised absences with a national framework for fines. From August 2024, the fine for school absences across the country will be £80 if paid within 21 days (up from £60), or £160 if paid within 28 days.

if a parent receives a second fine for the same child within any three years, this will be charged at the higher rate of £160. Once this two-fine limit has been reached, other action like a parenting order or even prosecution will be considered.

These strict measures have sparked concern from parents. Writing to Hull Live, one parent said the fines will affect poorer families unfairly and potentially deny poorer children of important cultural experiences.

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The parent told Hull Live: "Half term holidays are very expensive, not everyone can afford to go. Some of the children are not able to go for any holidays abroad to see the different countries.

"Travelling should be a part of the curriculum - children see new places, new culture, and try new food. They are learning about all geography topics in their lives as an experience. Kids would remember trips better than lessons at school.

"Travel agencies put double or triple prices for half-term dates. I think kids should be able to take two weeks off for travelling during term time without any government fees."

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