Parents' tears as they recall daughter's final hours after being sent home from hospital with 'constipation'

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The parents of Annabel Greenhalgh were left in tears today as the final tragic moments of their daughter's life were discussed at an inquest into her death. Craig and Josie were visibly upset as evidence about their young girl's final hours was examined.

Craig, Annabel's heartbroken father, claims his daughter died of a heart attack on the bathroom floor hours after he alleges a senior surgeon sent her home from hospital saying she was "just constipated". Annabel, 11, was taken to A&E at Warwick Hospital by her parents Craig and Josie after she complained of severe stomach pain.

It is claimed that doctors diagnosed her with constipation and discharged her on the evening of October 13, 2022. The next morning, Craig found her unresponsive at their home in Warwick and immediately called 999.

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Despite paramedics' attempts to resuscitate her, Annabel was pronounced dead at the scene. Today's inquest (June 14) heard Annabel died from a suspected cardiac arrest while trying to go to the toilet.

Her devastated parents both broke down in tears as evidence was read out at Coventry Coroners' Court. In a statement read out to assistant coroner Dr Richard Brittain, Craig talked through the circumstances leading up to her death, reports Coventry Live.

"Before Annabel went to school, she told Josie and I that she had a tummy ache," he said. "We asked her to score her pain on both days and she scored it two out of 10. Annabel was really keen to go to school.

"I texted Annabel around midday to ask how she was feeling. She texted back 'bad'. It was after this that the school phoned Josie.

"Josie said something like 'Annabel wants to go to hospital. She's in that much pain, she wants me to take her'.

"I was concerned at how much pain she was in. At 4.25pm [Thursday, October 13] Josie texted me again to say that Annabel was having her blood taken.

"I arrived at the hospital at around 5pm. At around 5.30pm the nurse came in and took Annabel's blood pressure. Annabel said her pain was eight out of 10. The doctor told us Annabel was constipated."

He said Josie and he questioned the diagnosis as she had been to the toilet hours earlier, adding: "I remember I told her she shouldn't be embarrassed about going to the toilet at school if she needs it.

"We were told that Annabel's blood results had come back OK and she should be fine to go home. I asked Annabel to gauge how she was feeling.

"She felt that she had wasted everyone's time as she had been told she was constipated. When we got home, we reiterated to Annabel what the doctor said - that she just needed a poo. Josie left to stay at her friend's house.

"I checked on Annabel at 10.10pm. She has a creaky door and when she saw me she said it still hurts but she was trying to sleep. I went to bed at 11pm.

"In the morning, my alarm went off at 6.45am. Annabel has an alarm and she normally gets up before us. I could hear the radio alarm going off. I assumed she was awake. I knocked on the door and said 'morning darling'.

"She was normally slow in the shower but not this slow. When I got to her en-suite I could see her. It was evident she had fallen off the toilet."

He said he placed her in the recovery position and went on: "I believe that how I found Annabel was significant as she had been trying to relieve her stomach pain and died from cardiac arrest."

The inquest was informed that Annabel, who had begun attending Alcester Grammar School that September, had previously experienced severe abdominal pain episodes. From 2017 to 2021, she had multiple hospital admissions after being diagnosed with intestinal atresia.

Her father Mr Greenhalgh paid a heartfelt tribute saying: "She was my world. She was the kindest person that anyone could ever meet. She did not deserve this.

"The world would be a much kinder, happier place if everyone was like Annabel. The view of her face when I picked her cold body up off the floor is forever ingrained in my head.

"It's something that I hope no parent ever has to do. I will never be able to enjoy the big moments in life that we discussed. I will always and forever will be thinking about what should have been."

He expressed his hope that Annabel's passing would lead to improvements at Warwick Hospital. Annabel's mother Josie, aged 45, shared with the inquest that she had communicated her daughter's medical history to the staff at the hospital.

The mother stated: "When I picked Annabel up from school at 1.30pm she asked me to take her straight to hospital. I was very worried about this because I knew Annabel didn't like hospitals."

She further added: "The doctor examined Annabel by touching her stomach. Annabel yelped, especially when he was prodding around her abdomen."

She also recalled: "Annabel went to the X-ray department at 4.45pm. We were ushered straight in."

Regarding their experience during the X-ray, the mother mentioned: "I stood behind the screen with a member of staff and remember seeing a lot of black on the screen. I asked the technician what this was and he said it was gas."

Talking about the diagnosis made by the senior surgeon, the mother reported: "The senior surgeon said she was 'just constipated and needing a poo'. He was very adamant about this diagnosis."

After hearing the diagnosis, the parents felt relieved. The mother explained: "Craig and I were relieved Annabel's symptoms were due to something minor and not serious. If there was any doubt in the diagnosis, we would push for more."

Questioning the actions of the senior surgeon, the mother confessed: "We thought it was strange that the senior surgeon had not wanted to examine Annabel himself. We had confidence that his diagnosis was correct."

Apart from the mother, Annabel's surgeon Mr Michael Singh, from Birmingham Women and Children's Trust, mentioned during the inquest about Annabel's past health issues. He stated: "Over the years, Annabel had multiple episodes of abdominal pain. Annabel's parents in the past had taken to A&E at Warwick Hospital multiple times."
