'How Parking woes in BCP could be addressed'

Stanley Merran who was given a parking ticket in Heathcote Road, Boscombe
Stanley Merran who was given a parking ticket in Heathcote Road, Boscombe

I NOTE that one of your readers has been upset by being given a parking ticket.

For residents wishing to avoid this, BCP has provided a website which can be consulted that shows all parking restrictions on roads.

For those with blue badges who, like your reader, find that the parking wardens have a different view than theirs about where it is safe to park on double yellow lines, the Highway Code can be consulted. For those few remaining drivers who did not have to take a test, and for those who took their test in other countries, this shows, amongst other things, where it is safe to park.

I cannot see anywhere on Heathcote Road which is legal to park on by Boscombe library for anyone. It is either taxi rank, dropped kerb, too close to a junction or marked with bars to show no stopping or a combination of these. Google street view only photographed the street last year so I can't believe the road markings have worn off completely since then.

This BCP traffweb which shows where waiting and loading are banned. https://bcp.traffweb.app/traffweb/1/Parking&trafficrestrictions

This is the reliable version of the highway code published by the government https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/waiting-and-parking-238-to-252

One improvement that really should be instigated is the end of the car park adjoining Boscombe Library to be made entirely out to Blue Badge holders, with a payment machine, if any , put near that area and a gap made in the fence and appropriate dropped kerb to make the route from the car park to Boscombe library wheelchair accessible.

Susan Stockwell

Britannia Road,
