People are sharing memories of lost Coventry sweetshop as huge changes come to the city

People have been sharing memories of a lost Coventry sweetshop after a CoventryLive picture gallery sparked a wave of nostalgia. The Dome was a popular spot in the Bull Yard where children would stop to buy sweets.

It also sold newspapers and cards. The memories are particularly bitter sweet as huge changes are coming to this part of the city with the advent of the City Centre South scheme.

People have been sharing their memories of the Dome - and it turns out it wasn’t just children buying sweets there.

Read more: Fascinating photos of people and places in and around Coventry in 1987

CovKid said: “I remember it well, used to pop in and get some sweets after a session at the Three Tuns.”

Over on Facebook, Neville Quin also remembered the shops proximity to the pub, adding: “I remember it was outside the Three Tuns pub…”

Andrew Cutts said: “I used to buy my early copies of Rolling Stone there.”

And Helen Louise Wheal remembered: “My mate’s uncle owned this shop and the one in the Arcade. We often went in and got free sweets and chocolate.”

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