Perthshire Scot Squad star's charity cycle in memory of mum to visit iconic golf venues

Charity cyclists ahead of 250-mile adventure
-Credit: (Image: Martin Reid)

Scot Squad actress Sally Reid has teed-up a poignant charity cycle in memory of the mum she lost to cancer, writes Gordon Bannerman.

The former Perth High School pupil is joining golf-daft dad Martin, older brother Nicholas and family friend Neil McLeod for a four-day, 250-mile challenge stopping off at the seven Scottish venues which have hosted Open Championships.

A biking rookie, award-winning Sally is having to squeeze training in between rehearsals for ‘Shirley Valentine’ at the Edinburgh Lyceum this month and a summer season return to Pitlochry Festival Theatre.

“While the others are keen cyclists, I am terrible on a bike so I’m venturing well out of my comfort zone,” admitted Sally (43), who is gearing-up for the ‘Go for Flo Open Challenge for Maggie’s’ which begins on July 12.

Charity cyclists are raising money in memory of Flo Reid
The late Flo Reid -Credit:Martin Reid

“The last time I was on a bike was playing my Scot Squad character PC Sarah Fletcher, when co-star Jordan Young and I had to peddle along the banks of the Union Canal.

“I was worried about falling in and the sketch didn’t even make it to the screen!” laughed the one-time Perth Youth Theatre member.

Sally has been getting great support from the Scots acting community, including celebrity pals Blythe Duff and fellow Perth-born actor Colin McCredie of Taggart fame, Scot Squad colleagues Jordan and Julie Wilson Nimmo, Still Game’s Greg Hemphill and panto kings Grant Stott and Barrie Hunter.

“Funnily enough, while they have been wishing me well, they were all quick to say they didn’t have a bike!” said Sally.

“But we are hoping friends will be able to join us for some legs of the route.”

Sally’s mum Florence was diagnosed with bile duct cancer in August 2020. She died last year, aged 74, but the family was determined to show their gratitude to the Maggie’s care team in Dundee.

Retired Perth chiropodist Martin (72) explained: “Maggie’s was a pillar of support for Flo, and the rest of us, throughout her illness.”

The seeds of the challenge were sown during a cycle run and Martin and Sally will be joined by Craigie Hill Golf Club member Nicholas and retired Perth GP and fellow St Andrews Club member Neil.

The challenge gets under way at Turnberry, before moving on to Prestwick, 2024 Open venue Royal Troon, Musselburgh, Muirfield, St Andrews and Carnoustie.

“I found the freedom that cycling gave me provided a lifeline for me in the months after we lost Flo,” said Martin, of Viewlands Terrace.

“Ironically, she couldn’t ride a bike so in a way we are doing this for her.

Sally recalled her mum used to joke that she was a golf widow because dad and his pals like their trips.

She added: “But she used it to her advantage, getting together with other wives to see a lot of Scotland while the boys were away.

“Mum would say we are off our heads, but we know she would be proud of us, as we were of her.”

A long-time member of the Perth Rock Choir, Flo enjoyed singing with the Maggie’s Choir during her treatment.

“The challenge will finish at Maggie’s in Dundee, where we will be welcomed in song. That promises to be a very emotional moment,” added Sally, who won the 2023 Critics’ Awards for Theatre in Scotland for her portrayal of Shirley Valentine.

Sally is directing a play at the Edinburgh Fringe in August which has deep personal resonance.

‘Chemosavvy’ was a project begun by the much-loved Andy Gray during his own cancer treatment at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee and completed by writer Alan McHugh.

Sally continued: “Throughout mum’s treatment she was never down and we shared a lot of laughs together. It was the same with Andy on his own cancer journey.

“When mum first got sick during the pandemic Jordan gave Andy my number.

“He called me out of the blue and assured me I had a friend in Perth if he was ever needed.”

To sponsor the ‘Go for Flo Open Challenge for Maggie’s’ visit