Piers Morgan Apologises To Kathy Burke For Being An 'Overly-Sensitive Snowflake'

Piers Morgan
Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan has apologised to Kathy Burke for being “an overly-sensitive snowflake” after blocking her on Twitter seven years ago.

The comedian revealed she’d been blocked on the social media app on a recent episode of her podcast, detailing an incident over a tribute to late broadcaster Tony Hart.

On Where There’s A Will, There’s A Wake, Kathy explained how Piers had mistakenly paid tribute to Tony on Twitter after someone put out a tweet saying he had died, despite the artist dying some years earlier in 2009.

She recalled: “I mean, Tony Hart’s been gone about 10 years or something. Anyway, someone put out a tweet saying, “So sad about Tony Hart’s passing,” and Morgan straight on it, ‘Oh this is so sad’.

“This man calls himself a journalist? He didn’t even fucking Google to check! Straight on there!”

She continued: “I think I just replied and laughed, then he had a go at me and said, ‘This is terribly disrespectful’ and ‘this isn’t funny’.

“I just said, ‘Yes, it is’. Then the next thing, blocked. I got blocked for laughing at his stupid mistake.”

Kathy’s podcast guest Jennifer Saunders then branded Piers “a twat”.

Kathy Burke
Kathy Burke

Kathy Burke

Piers has now admitted he was wrong to block Kathy, tweeting: “I agree with @ferrifrump about this, I was a tw*t. Apologies for being such an overly-sensitive snowflake 7yrs ago.”

He added: ”@kathyburke – I just tried to unblock you but discovered you’d revenge blocked me. Shall we have a mutual de-blocking?”

Kathy is yet to respond on Twitter.

Earlier this week, Piers came together with Amanda HoldenGary Lineker and Bruno Tonioli for dinner in the US, where he admitted opinions were “flying”.

The divisive presenter is currently in the States having filmed an interview with Stormy Daniels, who is at the centre of headlines relating to criminal charges former president Donald Trump is facing in court.