Plan for two homes up for approval amid concern from councillors

Sean Fielding <i>(Image: Sean Fielding)</i>
Sean Fielding (Image: Sean Fielding)

A decision is due on a plan for two four-bedroom homes on a patch of open land in Breightmet.

The applicant, Zulfiquar Ali, applied for outline permission for the site off Tarbet Drive last year.

The plan is for two four-bedroom homes on a patch of open land to be accessed by two driveways, one to the west of the site, one to the south of the site. The one to the west of the site is already in use as an access to an electricity sub-station.

It is up for consideration by the planning committee when it meets at the town hall today amid objections from Adele Warren and Sean Fielding, councillors for Breightmet Ward, as well as more than a dozen residents in the area of Tarbet Drive.

(Image: Cestria Partnership)

In a post on social media this week Cllr Fielding said: "I do not believe that the access arrangements for the homes on this site are suitable, nor that there will ever be an acceptable configuration for the homes on this site given it is enclosed on all sides by residential properties, most of which look onto the site from their rear windows."

The other objections are also about the access arrangements as well as other issues like a loss of open land, the pressure on parking and the pressure on traffic.

ALSO READ: Farnworth: Approval for 10-home terrace on Lorne Street.

A report for consideration by the planning committee recommends the approval of the application saying its impact is acceptable or addressable by conditions.

The report said: "The provision of two houses in a sustainable location contributing to the supply of housing is a consideration carrying significant weight. No matters carry sufficient weight to override the significant weight of the contribution to the supply of housing. Therefore the balance is weighted in favour of granting permission and members are recommended to approve this application."

(Image: Cestria Partnership)

The application is for outline permission so the details such as the appearance of the houses are to be determined.

The planning committee meets at the town hall at around 2pm today.

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.