Plans for new housing estate and pub in 'beautiful' Cheshire village thrown out

Cheshire East Council has refused a scheme for 53 homes and a pub in the open countryside at Acton near Nantwich. Nine members of the southern planning committee voted to turn down the application on land south of Monks Lane and west of Chester Road, while one abstained.

The proposal, submitted by Charles Roundell, also included a link road between Monks Lane and Chester Road, footpaths and village green. Supporters said the scheme was an ‘enabling’ development which would provide funds to maintain the Dorfold Estate.

But principal planning officer Daniel Evans told last week’s meeting: “We don’t consider it to be enabling development. There are too many questions which are unanswered, the case hasn’t been properly made and, on that basis, it is contrary to the policies of the Cheshire East local plan.”

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The proposal had received a mixed reaction from the public, with 70 sending objections to Cheshire East Council and 38 writing in support. Four members of the public spoke at the planning meeting – two in support of the scheme and two against.

Villager Dr Deb Ravenscroft said it would cause significant harm to the Acton conservation area and to nearby listed properties. “Cheshire East have an obligation to protect the open countryside and whilst there may be supporting comments, these plans have to be outweighed by objections,” she said.

“We feel fiercely protective of this beautiful village and its peace and tranquillity. I really can’t understand why intelligent people would willingly and deliberately plan to devastate a conservation area with the full knowledge of the irreparable harm this will inflict.”

But another resident, Philip Percival, told the committee: “There is a need, I feel, for more development in Acton.” He said he felt this would benefit the church.

“We’ve seen the shop, the post office and the pub go over the years, are we to see the rest of it disappear as well?” he asked. Mr Percival added: “You have a responsibility to provide housing for people who need it.”

Nantwich councillor Anna Burton (Lab) said she couldn’t see any justification for the scheme at the moment. Cllr Janet Clowes (Wybunbury, Con) said: “There are all sorts of things that ring alarm bells for me with this application.”

She moved it be refused as per the planning officer’s recommendation and that was seconded by Cllr Laura Crane (Sandbach, Lab). Cllr Stewart Gardiner (Knutsford, Con) said: “I do not believe those benefits, new housing and employment, are sufficient to counter the deficiencies of this proposal.”

Cllr Linda Buchanan (Shavington, Lab) said: “My concern here… is that, one, we are building in a conservation area, an area that we should be protecting and, secondly, it’s again creeping into green land.”

The application was refused. Among the six reasons for refusal were the proposed development is unsustainable because it is located within the open countryside and because it would cause harm to the setting, character and appearance of the conservation area, listed buildings and historic registered park.

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