The playful baby who loved milkshake and Peter Rabbit, killed by his trusted childminder

As Gemma Collinge dropped her baby off with his childminder she gave him a kiss and a cuddle.

Like most mums going back to work, she felt the wrench of leaving her baby but felt safe he was in the kind and capable hands of a trusted childminder who promised the best possible care. Her little boy Harlow was a happy baby who loved Peter Rabbit and playing in his baby walker. With a taste for milkshake and pink wafer biscuits, he loved nothing more than when his older sister sang to him.

His childminder, Karen Foster, 62, had more than two decades experience of looking after babies and was registered with Ofsted. She boasted certificates in safeguarding and paediatric first aid.


But shortly after arriving at work, Gemma received a devastating phone call which would change her life forever. Harlow had suffered a 'medical episode' at Foster's home in Hapton and had been rushed to hospital. Gemma rushed to be by Harlow's side and met with her partner, Allen Frangleton.

As the couple waited for news about their precious nine-month-old son, they prayed medics would be able to make him better. But as doctors told them Harlow was to be transferred to Manchester Children's Hospital, they received another devastating blow.

Foster had been arrested on suspicion of GBH. The doctors believed Harlow's injuries were no accident.

For four days, Gemma and Allen sat with their little boy, hoping for a miracle. Doctors did all they could but on March 5, 2022, the cheeky, fun loving baby died from the injuries he had suffered at the hands of his childminder.

His selfless parents asked if his organs could be donated in the hope he could save the life of another baby. But with a police investigation underway, the family were told Harlow's tiny body was now a crucial piece of evidence as they tried to piece together how he had died.

For 15 months, investigators from Lancashire Police, delved into the circumstances surrounding Harlow's death. Then, on July 4, 2023, Foster was charged with murder.

Appearing at Preston Crown Court, she showed no emotion as she entered pleas of not guilty. With a stony face, she denied causing the injuries which cost little Harlow his life.

A trial date was set for January 2024, but the date came and went, prolonging the family's fight for justice. Further delays came in March 2024, until on Wednesday June 5, Foster entered the dock at Preston Crown Court to stand trial.

Dressed in a white blouse, and walking with a stick, the childminder looked stright ahead as she faced the packed public gallery and press benches. But before a jury could be sworn, the press were told there was a delay and the trial would not take place that day.

It was the same story on Thursday as Harlow's family awaited news that would begin the path to justice for their precious baby boy. Then, on Friday morning, Foster's defence team asked for the charge to be put to her again.

Standing in the dock, Foster admitted she was "not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter." There were muffled sobs from the public gallery.

High court judge Mr Justice Cotter confirmed the prosecution would accept the plea. Foster had admitted killing little Harlow.

She admitted that shortly after being dropped off at her home, the little boy had fallen from a chair and bumped his head. When he naturally started to cry, she lost her temper and shook him 'in frustration'. The fatal injuries which led to his death were caused purely by the incident of shaking, and had nothing to do with his fall from the chair, the judge confirmed.

Foster was remanded in custody and will be sentenced on Thursday June 13. Mr Justice Cotter warned her she now faces a significant prison sentence.

Following Harlow's death, Mel Moon, a close friend of Gemma and Allen set up a fundraising page to give Harlow 'the best send off' and support the family through the difficult trial process.

She said: "We ask you remember Harlow for more than a headline. He was a funny, playful baby who loved Peter Rabbit, milkshakes and pink wafer biscuits. He loved it when his sister sang Adele songs to him, he loved his doggies and running around in his baby walker. He loved his family, his Mummy and Daddy, brother and sisters, and his grandparents so much.

"He has left a Harlow shaped hole no one can fill."