Plymouth City Council Budshead local elections candidates

-Credit:Matt Gilley/Plymouth Live
-Credit:Matt Gilley/Plymouth Live

Voters in Plymouth go to the polls in the May local elections for Plymouth City Council. Here are the candidates for the Budshead ward - and why they say you should vote for them.



My interest in sustainability started when I founded Britain’s first conveyor-belt sushi restaurant, Moshi Moshi, in 1994. My passion for the seas brought me to Plymouth where I established an ethical fishmonger, Sole of Discretion CIC. Sole works exclusively with the small-scale inshore boats, whose fishers play a key role in Plymouth’s amazing coastal communities. If elected, I would focus on bringing economic resilience powered by green ethics to Budshead.


I'm 63. I've lived in Plymouth for 28 years. I've never seen Plymouth City Council truly represent the needs of ordinary people, whether led by the Tories or Labour. None, including the Lib Dems and Greens, have opposed austerity cuts dictated by Parliament. Independent councillors carry no weight unless they collaborate.

TUSC will work with those who prioritise the needs of ordinary people and those who are as determined as us to defend our public services. People have a right to be able to afford to pay their bills and feed their families, and to a clean and stable environment.

We need a council prepared to tackle the cost-of-living crisis head on whilst demanding central government reinstate local authority spending so that we can provide the public services Plymothians need, rather than continuing to pursue this broken neoliberal model of trying to run the Council like a business. These are TUSC's priorities.


I worked in the travel industry for over 40 years, and during that time I lived and worked in Australia, USA, and the Middle East as well as in the UK, although I’m now retired.

In 2007 I was elected as a Plymouth City Councillor for the Budshead Ward, servingand representing Crownhill, Derriford, Holly Park and Whitleigh for 16 years.I believe it is an honour to be a Councillor, not a right, and if elected I will continue to listen to residents’ concerns.

I will consult, hold local surgeries, and representBudshead Ward in the City. Many residents whom l have met over the years have now become friends while I was helping the community, and attending community events.As a Christian, l like to help others who have a problem, or need support and l have worked in partnership with Traders, Housing Associations, Police, Transportcompanies, Utility companies and others on behalf of residents.

I am aware that people are suspicious of a politician’s promises at election time, so shall pledge to serve the residents of Budshead Ward to the best of my ability, whether helping constituents with their day-to-day problems, concerns or making decisions at council meetings


The Labour and Co-Operative candidate for Budshead is Alison Simpson.

Alison says she is proud to be standing as the candidate for Budshead and is enjoying getting to know people in the area and listening to their views and ideas.

“I am able to bring a wide range of work experience from across the Social Care and Housing sectors,” said Alison.

“I have also worked as a parliamentary caseworker and I really do relish solving problems, whether big or small. As the councillor for Budshead I would bring this experience to support everybody in the ward.

“Away from work, I like the simple things in life, and especially love spending time with my family, in particular my two-year old granddaughter.”


I've been a Whitleigh girl for most of my life with deep Cornish roots inherited from mum & dad. Myself, my daughter & my grandsons all attended Whitleigh schools so 3 generations are living here. Its a grand place to live and as we say “ you can take the girl out of Whitleigh but you'll never take the Whitleigh out of the girl”. My passion is our NHS, I spent most of my working life employed in a GP Surgery & I've seen it in good times & bad . I believe REFORM UK will reform & heal our NHS & not just patch it up with a sticking plaster


I first came to Plymouth in 1974 and I have lived in the city ever since. Plymouth is a fantastic place to live, surrounded by Dartmoor and the sea.

The city has changed beyond recognition since I arrived, and I want the expansion and reaching out to continue. We need to have a green agenda to future proof the city with the advent of climate change.

We should provide help, support, and opportunities for all Plymouth’s citizens to reach their full potential and in particular to provide good, well-paid jobs and affordable accommodation to encourage our young people to stay.

Let’s do better to make Plymouth a city where everyone can thrive and feel valued.