Police crack down on driving offences and anti-social behaviour in Bury

Police have been cracking down on driving offences and anti-social behaviour <i>(Image: Greater Manchester Police)</i>
Police have been cracking down on driving offences and anti-social behaviour (Image: Greater Manchester Police)

Police have been cracking down on driving offences and anti-social behaviour in the borough.

On Tuesday, officers issued speeding tickets and gave drivers "words of advice" as part of traffic enforcement work in Bury.

Groups of youths were spoken to after visiting anti-social behaviour "hotspots", police said, and "people breaching public spaces protection order were moved on".

A police spokesperson said: "The town centre and Whitefield neighbourhood team have done some more collaborative work with some targeted activity, today's (Tuesday) focus has been on driving offences and anti-social behaviour.

"We started the day with some traffic enforcement on Jubilee Way which saw four tickets and words of advice being given out, we then moved on to Peel Way and Walmersley Road where some more tickets were issued and drivers were engaged with.

"Results all in- three traffic offence reports issued for speeding, all three drivers were caught at 40mph in a 30mph area, many other drivers who were below 40mph were positively engaged with via words of advice.

"One traffic offence report issued for using a mobile phone - shockingly we while on Walmersley Road we came across a driving instructor who was having a phone conversation while 'supervising' a learner driver.

"Following this, we attended Bury town centre and conducted some pulse policing to target anti-social behaviour in hotspots we've identified groups of youths were spoken to in the area, and some people breaching our public spaces protection order were also moved on.

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"Of note, a male who has been warned on multiple occasions to stop begging within the town centre was caught doing so once again, while this is a low level offence it leads on to further criminality and is also antisocial (of note this 'beggar' isn't homeless, he has his own property and access to his own funds)."

The spokesperson added: "The town centre team can also report that we've been able to successfully obtain a criminal behaviour order against a prolific thief, shoplifter and beggar who will now cease frequenting the town centre by the court imposed conditions.

"One summons for begging, one criminal behaviour order obtained."