Police happen upon "drug deal" at Royal Victoria Hospital A&E

Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast.
-Credit: (Image: Justin Kernoghan/Belfast Live)

Police came across a "drug deal" in the Emergency Department of the Royal Victoria Hospital while they were attending for "another matter", the PSNI say.

The alleged drug deal was spotted by officers from the PSNI's West Belfast Local Policing Team on Thursday morning. A man was arrested on suspicion of drug offences and bailed to return to Musgrave Police Station at a later date.

A spokesperson for the PSNI said the police service is "committed to dealing robustly with any drug activity within our hospitals".

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In a statement published on social media by police in west Belfast, a spokesperson for the PSNI said: "On Thursday 13th June 2024 at approximately 11:30am whilst in attendance with another matter at the Royal Victoria Hospital, officers from West Belfast Local Policing Team came across a drug deal in the Emergency Department.

"A man was detained, searched and subsequently arrested on suspicion of Possession of Class C Controlled Drugs and Possession of Class C Controlled Drugs With Intent to Supply. As a result of a follow up search a quantity of Class C Drugs were located and seized.

"The man involved has since been bailed to return to Musgrave Police Station at a later date."

The spokesperson added: "We are committed to dealing robustly with any drug activity within our hospitals and ensuring that they are a safe space for all service users.

"Please continue to report incidents to us via 101 or online at https://www.psni.police.uk/report. You can also report anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."

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