All of the Pride celebrations confirmed so far to return to Merseyside

Hundreds of people march through the city to celebrate Liverpool Pride
Hundreds of people march through the city to celebrate Liverpool Pride -Credit:James Maloney

Merseyside is set to host several Pride events to mark the celebration period.

In usual fashion, Pride in Liverpool will be taking over the city centre for a fun-filled day of music, dancing and colour to remember the fight for LGBTQ+ rights.

However, as the celebration period continues to grow, communities around Merseyside have taken the initiative to launch their own Pride events to cater to those closer to home.

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Now over a decade on from Liverpool's first official Pride, the region boasts multiple events, reaching every corner of Merseyside.

Here's a list of the confirmed Pride celebrations happening in and around Liverpool.

Pride in Liverpool

Pride in Liverpool parade 2023 crowds.
Pride in Liverpool parade 2023 crowds. -Credit:Colin Lane

Pride in Liverpool is expecting to have their biggest March with Pride since their inception in 2019. Tens of thousands of people are set to enjoy a weekend of celebration and protest.

This year, the event will be held on Saturday, July 27, with the planned route starting at St George’s Hall Plateau at 12pm. The procession will then move through the city centre and the Pride Quarter before making its way to the Waterfront.

Andi Herring, CEO of LCR Pride Foundation, said: “March With Pride continues to grow each year and this year promises to be no different.

“Not only is it a chance for Liverpool City Region’s LGBT+ people to come together to celebrate one another, but it also gives us the opportunity to protest against the prejudices and inequalities that our communities face.

“In the last year, LGBT+ people and particularly trans members of our community have been attacked and undermined. However, we refuse to be silenced and our voices need to be heard more than ever before."

Sefton Pride

The Sefton Pride parade in Southport.
The Sefton Pride parade in Southport. -Credit:Andrew Brown

The organisers of Sefton Pride have confirmed it will return later this year.

The celebrations, which are now in their second year, will happen in the middle of Pride Month on Saturday, June 15. The day will see Southport turn into a sea of rainbow as the town celebrates the LGBTQ+ community and its allies.

With just ten weeks to go, the organisers said more details will be announced very shortly.

The event will build on from the success of last year's which was the first of its kind for Southport.

The idea came about after Southport resident, Jennifer Corcoran, attended Joe Lycett’s More, More, More! Show at the M&S Bank Arena in Liverpool last year. Part of the set was dedicated to how the comedian and LGBTQ+ activist had curated a Pride event in his hometown.

The TV presenter was selling pin badges that read: "Sometimes if you want something to exist, you have to make it yourself.” Jennifer came away from the gig determined to bring an event to her home town.

A year later the 43-year-old, who is queer herself, founded Sefton Pride CIC with Victoria Park events general manager Alan Adams and Marshside Primary School headteacher Natasha Sandland.

Jennifer, who also has children in the LGBTQ+ community, previously told the ECHO: “I am delighted we are bringing a Pride event to this borough. As a lifelong resident of Southport, I know this idea has been tried before and suggested but not got very far. As a local representative involved in equality networks, I know this is something communities want.

“It is incredibly sad that we live in a time where people not causing any harm still cannot be accepted for who they are, and who they love, but this event is a fantastic opportunity for the LGBTQ+ community and allies to stand up and shout it loud.”

Warrington Pride

Warrington Pride is set to make its return with an emphasis on diversity and community inclusion.

The 2024 edition, taking place in the town centre this June, aims to bring the community together in the “spirit of acceptance and solidarity” and will feature a programme of activities.

The celebrations will be made up of live music, workshops, thought-provoking talks, performances and showcases. There will also be a parade through the streets of the town.

Andrea Morley, project manager for Warrington BID, said: "Warrington Pride is an integral part of our community's calendar. It not only celebrates diversity but also fosters a sense of belonging and inclusivity for all.

“Such events provide invaluable opportunities for individuals from all walks of life to come together, share experiences and create lasting connections. They play a vital role in promoting understanding, acceptance, and mutual respect, contributing to the fabric of our vibrant town."

The event will host a variety of vendors and community organisations providing resources and support for LGBTQIA+ individuals and their allies. TAGS (Teenagers, Gender & Sexuality), Warrington’s early help LGBTQ+ youth support service, will be on hand to offer a safe space for attendees to meet and socialise.

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