Priti Patel seeks new agreement with EU to return more Channel migrants to France


The UK is seeking to renegotiate an international agreement so that it will be easier to return migrants who try to cross the Channel.

Priti Patel, the Home Secretary, has revealed she is in talks with her French counterpart to introduce new measures that could enable more migrants caught in UK territorial waters to be returned to France potentially even without setting foot in Britain.

Sources say the Dublin regulations - which are designed to stop migrants making multiple applications in different countries - are rigid and restrictive.

The rules make the country in which the asylum seeker first applies for asylum is responsible for either accepting or rejecting the claim, and the seeker may not restart the process in another jurisdiction.

In the past 16 months, only some 155 migrants who crossed the Channel have been returned despite more than 2,500 having made the journey on small boats in the same period.

“We are in negotiations with the EU to put in place more favourable returns agreements with our European partners after the UK has left the transition period,” said a source.

Tory backbenchers have been pressing for more to be returned as a deterrent so that those seeking to make the crossing know they will be taken back to France if caught. 

Law enforcement agencies have revealed cases of migrants deliberately scuppering their boats or phoning the UK coastguard once they reach half way in order to be rescued and brought to the UK.

Another source said the French are sympathetic as a means to end the trade which has now spread during the coronavirus pandemic to the coast of Belgium.

Responding to Tory MP Tim Loughton who called for a tougher approach on returns, Ms Patel told MPs on the Home Affairs Committee on Wednesday that the Home Office had put forward some measures through the embassy.

“I am doing it around returns and returns at sea which is exactly the point you are making,” she said.

She also indicated that the Government was looking more widely at illegal immigrants who abused the asylum system with “vexatious claims” and that ministers were investigating whether rules to protect victims of modern slavery were being abused by illegal immigrants.