Prostate cancer: How diet change could impact your risk for common cancer according to expert

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Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer, with roughly one in eight men expected to get a diagnosis in their lifetime and one in 44 dying from it according to the American Cancer Society.

However, five simple lifestyle changes could make a world of difference for men across the UK as one expert, consultant urological surgeon at London Bridge Hospital Dr Declan Cahill, shared his tips for slashing the risk of developing prostate cancer with Mail Online. Most of which he has implemented in his own life to stave off a diagnosis.

Daily Exercise

Keeping an active lifestyle could drastically drop one’s risk of developing prostate cancer as the doctor urged the importance or “cardiovascular exercises and resistance training” to help heart health and improve muscle mass, which can fade in old age. He added: “Maintaining muscle supports the skeleton, burns calories, improves quality of life and potentially makes cancer less likely and has been shown to suppress cancer cells.”

Daily exercise also boosts the immune system which will help it identify potential cancer cells quicker and deal with it more efficiently according to Cancer Research UK. Research by the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences also revealed that increasing cardiorespiratory fitness by at least three percent annually had a 35 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

Fatty foods

Diet plays a major role in increasing or decreasing one’s risk of developing cancer and Dr Cahill advised starting by cutting out fatty food and maintaining a healthy weight. Researchers at McGill University have found a gene (MYC) involved in progressing prostate cancer can be fueled by fatty foods and red meat, revealing that patients were four times more likely to die of prostate cancer if they had high levels of MYC fueled by fat consumption.

Dr Cahill added: “Aim to consume a higher volume of unsaturated fats where possible, such as olive oil…Limit daily consumption of saturated fats which are in many processed foods and fast foods”. The medical professional recommended a diet “rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains” to reduce the risk of developing a number of health issues including prostate cancer.

Weight management

Dr Cahill revealed: “There is strong evidence that being overweight or obese increases the risk of being diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer.” The doctor suggested a “calorie-conscious diet” for those who may be overweight, which has been linked to at least 13 types of cancer according to Cancer Research UK.

Weight issues increase the risk of getting metastatic, which has spread to other parts of the body, or advanced prostate cancer. The charity claimed that smoking and being overweight are the two leading preventable causes of cancer and Dr Cahill also warned that obesity can also delay diagnosis or make treatment more difficult.

Cut down the booze

Reducing alcohol consumption can lower the risk of several types of cancer, no matter which specific beverage a person prefers. However, Prostate Cancer UK highlighted: “We don't know if (alcohol) increases the risk of prostate cancer,” but still advised to stay within the NHS guidelines, no more than 14 units per week, for “your overall health”.

Dr Cahill pointed out: “It's also worth noting that alcohol is high in calories, which can contribute to weight gain. For example, a pint of beer can contain up to 230 calories, and a standard glass of wine around 180 calories.”

A prostate-friendly diet

Dr Cahill suggested a diet filled with “prostate-friendly” foods like berries, leafy greens and fish, adding: “Certain foods have been shown to benefit prostate health due to their lycopene, selenium, and vitamin E content. Incorporate cooked tomatoes, poppy seeds, cauliflower, broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprouts into your diet.”

Antioxidant and omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods like berries and fish were also on the doctor’s shopping list, although he highlighted the current research for which foods help prostate health is “somewhat limited and not conclusive”. As a result, he noted: “It’s best to focus on consuming a healthy, nutrient rich, varied and balanced diet overall.”