Pupil stabbed outside school

West Derby School, Tuebrook
West Derby School, Tuebrook -Credit:Liverpool Echo

A 15-year-old boy was stabbed outside a school.

Police were called to West Derby School on West Derby Road at 3.25pm yesterday, May 20, after reports of an attack on a pupil outside the school.

The attack, carried out with an unknown weapon, is said to have caused "superficial cuts" to the victim and paramedics were not required to attend the scene.

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A 15-year-old boy from Tuebrook has been arrested on suspicion of possession of knife blade/sharp pointed article in a public place and Section 18 attempted wounding with intent. He remains in police custody.

Police said extensive enquiries are ongoing to identify any other suspects and establish the full circumstances of the attack. Officers are liaising closely with the school and they will be "providing reassurance to parents, carers and pupils".

Detective Inspector Jemma Berry from Merseyside Police said: "This will have been a concerning incident to witness and shocking to the victim targeted. Thankfully, he appears to have only sustained minor injuries and I’d like to assure those parents and carers with children at the school that we will do all in our power to find those responsible.

“We know the devastation that can be caused that carrying weapons on our streets, and I would urge anyone with information to come forward as soon as possible.

“Knife crime has decreased in Merseyside in the last year and that is in no small part down to people reporting concerns to us and our partners. If you suspect anyone is carrying a knife tell us and we will take action."

Anyone with information is asked to contact @MerPolCC, 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 with reference 24000456768.

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