Queen Elizabeth II statue coming to Newcastle - a sneak peek

Work on an £85,000 statue of Queen Elizabeth II has begun - after two companies agreed to fully fund the project. Newcastle Borough Council announced last year that it was commissioning the bronze statue for the Queens Gardens as part of Newcastle's 850th anniversary.

Digger giant JCB and developer Capital & Centric have now agreed to fund the statue, which will be created by internationally-famous Staffordshire artist Andy Edwards. The council had previously planned to fund the statue through the sale of 11 macquettes - smaller versions of the statue - but this will no longer be necessary.

Andy, who is known for world-famous artworks such as the Beatles statue in Liverpool, has now started work on the Queen Elizabeth statue, which is based on photographs of her visit to Newcastle in 1973. It is expected to be completed by September, after which it will be placed in Queens Gardens facing the statue of Queen Elizabeth's great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria.

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A launch event took place at Castle House today during the week of what would have been the late Queen's 98th birthday.

There, Andy Edwards worked on refining a terracotta wax model of Queen Elizabeth’s head and displayed some of his other intricate work on the statue so far, including the late Queen's famous Cambridge brooch.

Andy said: "I am honoured and delighted to have been awarded this commission by Newcastle Borough Council. It is a huge responsibility but one I relish and undertake dutifully. Though the design is informal in its presentation, the work requires exacting standards in both the expected detail and as a sensitive portrait of Her late Majesty. I use traditional time-honoured techniques in making an enlargement from a scale model and our local clay to sculpt, but also the latest digital technologies in my calculations, engineering and gleaning authenticity from archive footage and photographs.

"I know that many local people have recognised themselves in recently republished photos from the visit to Newcastle in 1973 on which this statue is to be based. I hope that this tribute brings back happy memories to them. Queen Elizabeth, of course, brought happiness and comfort to a lot of people across the years. I hope that this tribute will remind and continue that."

Capital & Centric is working with the borough council to develop key sites in Newcastle town centre, including York Place, Midway car park and Ryecroft.

Joint managing director John Moffat said: "We’re working up plans to revitalise the town centre with exciting designs for key sites. It's a pleasure to be able to support the creation of this new landmark for the town by a talented local sculptor, which will be pride of place in Queens Gardens. It'll be a touching tribute to the Queen – a timely nod to the past as we map out the town centre’s future.”"

JCB chairman Anthony Bamford said: "Her Late Majesty paid many visits to Staffordshire over her 70-year reign, each one evoking very special memories for many thousands of people. I am delighted that we can play our part right here in Staffordshire in commemorating her life of service, using fabulous artistic skills for which our county is renowned."

A spokesperson for Brampton Museum, which is overseeing the project, said: "We're proud to oversee the construction of what could be among the first statues of Queen Elizabeth II commissioned since her death. It is being crafted by a renowned local sculptor and, rather fittingly, placed in Queens Gardens facing the statue of her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria.

"The design deliberately draws from what Her Majesty wore during her historic visit to Newcastle-under-Lyme to mark the 800th Anniversary of the town on 25 May 1973, immortalising that memorable day. I want to thank JCB and Capital & Centric for their donations, which has enabled this important heritage project to progress."

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