Reacher Season 2 Premiere Recap: Who’s Killing Off the Special Investigators? — Plus, Grade It!

Reacher’s back, and he is fixin’ for a fight with whomever murdered one of his old Army pals.

Season 2 of Prime Video’s Reacher (the first three episodes are now streaming) opened with the XXL wanderer navigating his latest rotation of clothes at a thrift shop when he gets word, via a coded bank deposit amount, to check in with former team member Neagley (played again by Season 1 returnee Maria Sten). Learning that one of their colleagues from the 110th MP Special Investigations Unit has been murdered, Reacher makes tracks for New York, meeting up with Neagley in a Brooklyn diner.

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Surveying the police report that Neagley, a P.I., got her hands on, Reacher observes that the deceased, Franz, had been tortured before being dropped out of a helicopter into the Catskill Mountains. Neagley notes that she has been unable to reach any other members of the 110th — Dixon, O’Donnell, Sanchez, Orozco or Swan. (Lowery died two years ago in a car crash.)

Reacher and Neagley visit Franz’s widow, who says that her husband hadn’t been dealing with dangerous P.I. cases ever since their son was born. Reacher and Neagley scout out Franz’s storefront office, which the bad guys had already torn apart, clearly finding nothing. Reacher clocks a post office across the street and speculates that Franz might have mailed himself whatever was being sought after, for safe keeping. Alas, it is closed for the day.

Meanwhile, we observe that Reacher and Neagley have two people tailing them: a guy with a scar on his face (Saropian, played by Ty Victor Olsson) and who reports to the Terminator Langston (Robert Patrick), and one played by Breakout Kings‘ Domenick Lombardozzi. There’s also a mysterious, malevolent man we will call “A.M.” (Ferdinand Kingsley) navigating airports using assorted names and passports.

A series of flashbacks chronicle the years-ago formation of the 110th, curiously comprised of “a bean counter” (Serinda Swan’s Karla Dixon), “a guy who talks too much” (Shaun Sipos’ David O’Donnell), “grandpa Moses” (Dean McKenzie’s Lowery) and others. (Franz, we learn, was recruited after Reacher observed him de-escalate a fight between soldiers over a stolen care package of cookies.) Things are awkward at first, until Reacher suggests they go out for a beer. He — purposely, we later realize — leads them to an officer’s club frequented by a unit that is a stickler for rules (e.g. no drinking in uniform, no enlisted allowed). When a member of that unit gets in Reacher’s face, it is on, and a bar fight ensues.

The 110th regroups that night around a campfire, instantly bonded by the skirmish. “You do not mess with the special investigators!” becomes their credo. Reacher’s mission is accomplished, as what will become an iconic team photo is taken.

Reacher Season 2 Release Date Photos
Reacher Season 2 Release Date Photos

Back in the present day, Reacher and Neagley retrieve Franz’s mail and find a thumb drive. They return to their hotel to fire it up, but find their rooms tossed, and someone still there. But — false alarm! — it is just O’Donnell, who over the years evolved from playboy to family man. Popping the thumb drive into her laptop, Neagley sees it is password-protected, and they only have three guesses in two minutes to get it right. The trio quickly profile Franz, eventually realizing that the hero he idolized and whose name he would use as a password is… REACHER.

With Dixon still unreachable/apparently undercover in her work as a forensic accountant, O’Donnell gets former team member Swanny’s address off the Mrs.’ holiday mailer list, and the trio head to his home to see what’s what. Alas, what they find is an empty house — save for a dog that died because its owner clearly went missing days ago, and is probably dead.

So, someone is taking out members of the 110th and is hellbent on coming after Reacher & Co.? “Good,” he growls….

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