Residents won't be consulted on new Killie match day parking restrictions

A call to consult with residents and fans before the introduction of new parking restrictions in the the roads around Rugby Park has been knocked back.

A traffic order was introduced last year to parking around the area on matchdays, with some waiting restrictions permanent and others only on matchdays.

East Ayrshire Council will now introduce new matchday waiting restrictions on Arrothill Drive, Galrigside Road, Harperland Drive, Rowanhill Place, Mount Avenue, Mount Place, Holmes Road, Holmes Crescent, Fairlie Avenue, Westmoor Crescent, Blackwood Avenue, Scott Crescent, and Scott Road.

However, as the council has opted to introduce the new restrictions via a temporary traffic order while considering a permanent solution this does not require public consultation.

The fact that the residents set to be affected by the new order would not be given the opportunity to be consulted in advance irked Labour councillor Barry Douglas who called on a consultation to be undertaken immediately.

He also argued for a broader engagement than the statutory consultation would require.

Cllr Douglas said: "Have we actually consulted with with the residents fully in this regard before we start implementing this?

"My proposal would be that we do a field consultation with residents impacted before we do anything else."

Speaking after the meeting, Cllr Douglas said: "We wanted a full public consultation so we could hear the views of fans and residents now, not 12 months down the line.

"Once again it seems to be a case of this council doing things now and asking for views at a later date.

"For permanent parking restrictions the only statutory requirement for consultation is via a Traffic Regulation Order in the area affected.

"However, we wanted a full public consultation exercise, beyond just the residents but including fans and stakeholders, now to get the views of all involved to help shape any parking restrictions so that residents and fans can reach a position that the majority can back. "

Council leader Douglas Reid said that the restriction put in place last year had seen a positive impact in terms of safety.

However he admitted that issues around parking and road safety continued to concern him.

He said: "There is certainly pressure and we know that the residents have been very patient."

Chief Governance Officer David Mitchell suggested that the Cabinet was being asked whether it would want an informal consultation ahead of the new temporary order.

This, he added, may result in 'duplication' as a statutory consultation would still be necessary if the restrictions were to made a permanent part of the order put in place last year.

Cllr Reid agreed that public consultation should be wider than that required by the statutory process.

Councillor Reid proposed carrying out a wider consultation covering all of the restrictions after 12 months

Cllr Douglas tabled and amendment to start the consultation immediately.

The cabinet voted in favour of the proposal by Cllr Reid.

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