Rough sleepers who lived in old cycle lock-up in Cleethorpes supported to live in permanent homes

Workers from the Council's Street Cleansing Team clearing the site -Credit:NELC
Workers from the Council's Street Cleansing Team clearing the site -Credit:NELC

A group of rough sleepers who were living in a "camp" at an old cycle lock-up in Cleethorpes are being supported to live in permanent homes.

Set up two years ago off Beacon Street, the camp had grown with tents and sofas and was used by local homeless people with nowhere else to go.

But after North East Lincolnshire Council's Rough Sleeper Co-ordinator and partners built a relationship with the four people staying at the site most recently, two have now been placed in long-term homes, one is in a temporary home and one is about to move into a permanent home.


Rough Sleeper Co-ordinator, Liz Motley, said: “Over the past months, we have worked with the people involved, and together created a plan to move them off the streets. Together with colleagues from Harbour Place, Navigo, and our Housing Related Support providers, that work continues.

“It is a common pattern that former rough sleepers struggle to adapt to life indoors and we are supporting them to relearn the skills they need to manage a household. These people are already feeling much better and hopeful for the future."

Thanks to workers from the Council's Street Cleansing Team, the site has now been cleared.

Workers from NELC's Street Cleansing Team -Credit:NELC
Workers from NELC's Street Cleansing Team -Credit:NELC

Cllr Ron Shepherd, Portfolio Holder for Safer and Stronger Communities, said: “This is an ideal example of how our homeless team can work with partners to provide positive futures for people who need help and support. If we are going to grow stronger and safer communities this is what we need to work together to achieve.

“I would also like to thank the authority’s street cleansing team, which cleared the area, making it safer and more pleasant for the local community."

If you, or someone you know is sleeping rough, you can visit Homeless | NELC ( for more information on how to get support.

Alternatively, if you see someone rough sleeping in our area, you can make an alert on StreetLink - Connecting people sleeping rough to local services ( with some basic details about the person. The alert will go straight through to Liz and the outreach team who can give the person the help and support they need.