Rushville Diversity and Inclusion Council unveils plans for 2024 Juneteenth celebration

Jan. 2—RUSHVILLE — The Rushville Diversity and Inclusion Council is gearing up for an extraordinary Juneteenth celebration in 2024, with the official date now confirmed as June 15. This decision follows a unanimous agreement among council members and insights provided by Sandy Fussner, Executive Director at Rush County Chamber of Commerce.

The exact timing of the event is still under consideration, taking into account various factors, including other scheduled events and weather conditions. Building on the success of the previous event's Gospel concert, the council is actively discussing potential venues within Rushville to host this year's musical highlight.

In a recent meeting held Dec. 4, the group delved into the lineup of speakers for the event, considering influential figures such as Rushville Mayor Mike Pavey, renowned musician Jay Davis, Bobby Orr, Lana Hayes, Kevin Hart from the Historical Society and Pastor Foye. These individuals are being considered to contribute their perspectives and experiences to make the celebration even more impactful.

In addition to the engaging program, the Rushville Diversity and Inclusion Council is reaching out to the community for participation. Businesses and individuals interested in selling items or providing food are encouraged to join the celebration. The success of the health advice corner from previous events has prompted the council to expand health-related initiatives for the betterment of the Rushville community.

Taking inspiration from community feedback, the council is eager to continue the theme of "On The Hill," fostering a sense of unity and community spirit. The next planning meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Jan. 8, 2024, at the Second Baptist Church, located at 520 E 7th Street in Rushville.

For those interested in contributing to the Rushville Juneteenth celebration or seeking more information, City Councilor Elton Marzon can be contacted at, and Associate Pastor Mary Downs at The council is enthusiastic about community involvement, anticipating an event that not only celebrates history, but also contributes to the vibrant tapestry of Rushville's inclusive community.

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Contact Aaron Kirchoff at