Schoolchildren given a tasty lesson in making sausage rolls

Schoolchildren get a lesson in making sausage rolls from Drake & Macefield <i>(Image: Stephen Garnett)</i>
Schoolchildren get a lesson in making sausage rolls from Drake & Macefield (Image: Stephen Garnett)

CRAVEN butchers Drake & Macefield spent a day at Thornton-in-Craven Primary School where Amy Teal and Emily Preston from the firm’s Cross Hills branch showed the children how to make delicious sausage rolls.

From preparing the sausage meat filling to making and rolling the pastry, glazing and baking the sausage rolls, the children were able to watch and have a go themselves, before polishing off the finished product.

Headteacher, Suzie Brown, said: “Sharing this experience with the children was not just about creating a delicious treat they could enjoy afterwards and take home, but also an opportunity to teach pupils about nutrition and for them to understand a bit about what goes on behind the scenes at a business. Learning a creative skill from experts in a hands-on way like this is a treat for all of us.”

Among the pupils were George Teal, cousin Will Teal and his sister Ivy, showing all the makings of following their parents into the family business one day.

Other primary schools who would like to host a cookery lesson from Drake & Macefield can contact Amy Teal on 01535 635916.