Schoolgirls struck down with TB

THE worried families of 30 Birmingham schoolgirls were today preparing them for X-rays which will show how badly they have been infected by TB.

Skin test checks to see if the girls at the fee-paying Birchfield Independent Girls' School, have the potentially deadly disease were all positive, health bosses revealed.

Dr Andrew Rouse, a consultant in public health, said the girls were awaiting X-ray screening to determine the extent of the infection and would be treated at Birmingham Chest Clinic and the Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

If necessary they will have to undergo a series of monthly injections to fight the disease, he added.

But there was no reason for the wider community near the school in Beacon Hill, Aston to be alarmed and all those who have been in close contact with the girls would be screened for the bacterial infection.

"None of the girls have attended school since the skin tests returned positive results," he added.

The girls were among a total of 169 pupils at the school tested for tuberculosis after three were found to carry the infectious form of the disease.

Health officials at Heart of Birmingham Teaching Primary Care Trust (PCT) said one girl contracted the disease last summer and was successfully treated.

But in February this year (2008), two more girls developed the infectious form of the disease, prompting the school and medics to test all pupils early last month .

Today, the school, which teaches an Islamic curriculum to pupils aged 11-16, mainly from Pakistani and Bangledeshi backgrounds, declined to comment.

However, parents of pupils said they had received letters from the school explaining the situation.

One parent, who did not wish to be named, said he was concerned for his daughter’s welfare.

"I think this is a situation that every parent should be worried about," he added.

Another parent, who also declined to be named, said: "We haven’t been told that much, just that there’s been an outbreak but there’s nothing to worry about."

TB, which can be fatal without treatment, was common in the UK during the 19th Century. It was almost wiped out by the 1980s.

However, the number of cases have been on the increase in the UK in recent years, which health experts blame on the rise of the number of people migrating to Britain from developing countries, where the disease is more common.

Latest figures show that there were 1,759 cases of TB in Birmingham between 2001 and 2005.

In November 2006, heath chiefs at Heart of Birmingham Teaching PCT held a meeting to discuss their concerns over the lack of efficient and effective TB services in the city.

In a report published at the time, health officials said Birmingham had one of the highest rates of TB across the country, with only two boroughs in London and parts of Leicester having higher rates.

It added that the most common ethnic group affected by TB in Birmingham was Pakistani, although black Africans had the highest rise in the condition.

"Anecdotally, there are reports that there are more complex patients with TB such as asylum seekers and refugees, substance misusers and people with HIV," read the report.

It also stated that prisons in Birmingham had problems with the illness.