Scotland promised us it was our time but we got the unhappiest ending imaginable – Keith Jackson in Stuttgart

Grant Hanley of Scotland reacts with disappointment
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

Wake us up when this is over and the pain has been numbed. Because what went on here in Stuttgart last night felt like a rerun of all our very worst tournament nightmares.

An amalgamation of years of crushing disappointment all rolled into one agonising night of heartache. A goal from sub Kevin Csoboth in the 11th minute injury time is what did the damage. Officially, at least. But the truth is it’s difficult to mount much of a convincing argument as to what Scotland might have been able to offer the knock-out stages in any case, now that they have surrendered any hope of getting there. Again.

All that was required of them was to find a way to overcome a limited, ordinary opponent who had managed no points from two Group A games. That they could not do it ensured that this was both a result and a performance which was simply not worthy of the occasion. Yes, it was frantic near the end and a lucky break might have turned the ultimate outcome on its head.

But even so, this was not what the Tartan Army had seen in the brochure, before travelling here in such numbers. They assured us they were ready. That this was their moment.

That lessons had been learned and the mistakes which did for them last time round, would be eliminated. But ultimately, as the team bus rolled into the concrete underbelly of Stuttgart’s MHP Stadium a couple of hours or so ahead of kick-off, so the time for big talk and bold promises had reached its journey’s end.

Now it was a matter of actually delivering and just to remind them of the sacrifices suffered along the way, Kieran Tierney ’s No.6 shirt was hung up on display inside the home dressing room. How he would have sorely loved to have been in there along with this band of brothers instead of stuck at home with a shredded hamstring. How they would have loved to have the reassurance of his presence. But it was Scott McKenna who would have to step up in Tierney’s absence and try, at least, to make it look as if the Arsenal man was not even missed.

They did have the backing of the strongest, most heavily manned travelling support anywhere in Germany, which was a help. And they opened up as if aiming to please, full of sharp, crisp passing, purposeful movement and, given the circumstances, admirable levels of composure.

John McGinn, for example, won two free-kicks inside the opening two minutes without losing control of the ball on either occasion. Billy Gilmour snapped an early pass through Hungary’s lines and into the feet of Che Adams, as a sign of his accuracy and intent.

Anthony Ralston almost created the first chance of the night with a searching cross from the right. And at the other end, Angus Gunn made a comfortable save when Bendeguz Bolla tried his luck from distance in a fleeting moment of Hungarian possession.

Almost all of the ball belonged to Scotland’s players out there, with Gilmour zipping it around in midfield like some twinkle-toed conductor, just waiting for the chance to cut Hungary open. That the opportunity seemed in no rush to present itself was, however, becoming more of a concern the longer the first half went on without a proper sight at Peter Gulacsi’s goal.

Scotland’s early dominance had been almost complete but it was counting for nothing. McGinn was coming in for more and more tough stuff too, with Callum Styles and Willi Orban both booked for chopping into him late.

And as the interval loomed into sight, Hungary’s increased aggression had allowed them to get a foothold in a contest which had been passing them by. It all felt horribly precarious as Scotland headed inside at 0-0, having failed to register a meaningful effort on goal in a game that had to be won.

-Credit:Getty Images
-Credit:Getty Images

Even more so, given Orban had smashed a header off Gunn’s crossbar in the dying minutes as Hungarian momentum was building and Scotland’s self-belief was beginning to wobble ever so slightly. It felt as if the second half was about to become a test of endurance.

And it began as the first had ended, with Hungary seizing more and more control and the nervous tension cranking up all the while. The only source of comfort was the growing realisation that the opposition weren’t really up to all that much.

Yes, Roland Sallai did add to their shots on target at the start of the half but his effort was weak, lacked conviction and easily saved. Adams then let one fly from distance and with some venom but it crashed over the crossbar.

Meanwhile, in between times, McTominay was booked for no apparent reason, a caution that meant he would be missing out on the round of 16 even if Scotland did not.

It seemed as if this dream was in danger of getting away from them as the clock raced down. And then a moment when time froze as Barnabas Varga was left unconscious inside Scotland’s box after Gunn had collided horribly with Ralston as all three players went for the same floated cross.

The Hungarians reacted as if they sensed immediately that Varga was in serious trouble, even though it was almost impossible to see what had left him in such a state. They reacted furiously when the first aiders failed to react quickly enough to erect a makeshift screen in Scotland’s box.

Eventually, amid scenes horribly reminiscent of Christian Eriksen at the last Euros, Varga was carried off for further treatment and given a rousing ovation on his way. The incident was checked by VAR but the officials could find no wrongdoing.

Then, moments later, Scotland sub Stuart Armstrong looked to be hauled down by Orban inside Hungary’s box but, quite incredibly, neither the ref nor the reviewers spotted any foul play there either – when it could easily have been a penalty and second booking for the defender. But it was the Hungarians who were finishing strongly now as Clarke threw on bodies from the bench with Armstrong joined by Lawrence Shankland, Ryan Christie, Kenny McLean and Lewis Morgan.

Then, in injury time, the chance of the night fell to Hanley’s feet. The big stopper kept it on target too but his effort was saved by Gulacsi. And when Scotland mounted one final push with a corner kick, Hungary broke up field and Csoboth provided the unhappiest of endings imaginable.