Scott Brown welcomes Ayr United stars back for pre season after strong summer of transfer business

-Credit: (Image: Alasdair MacLeod/Ayrshire Post)
-Credit: (Image: Alasdair MacLeod/Ayrshire Post)

Scott Brown wants Ayr United to get a headstart on their rivals after some sharp summer business.

The boss got back down to pre-season training today with six new faces already signed up.

Jay Henderson, George Oakley, Anton Dowds, Harry Stone, Marco Rus and Scott McMann are in the door - and with promise of more on the way, Broony believes Ayr can fly from the traps.

He told the Ayrshire Post: “My big aim was to start pre-season with the majority of our new bodies in the building. So I'm delighted we've done that. It’s imperative that we have proper time to work with the squad and implement the way we want to play.

“The good thing is we’ve gone out this summer and got the players we wanted and strengthened in key areas. All over the park now, I see competition. I want to be able to turn to my bench and know there are boys ready and waiting to step in. But we don't want to stop there and hopefully we can get two or three more in."

Scott Brown got back to work on the training pitch this morning -Credit:Alasdair MacLeod/Ayrshire Post
Scott Brown got back to work on the training pitch this morning -Credit:Alasdair MacLeod/Ayrshire Post

Brown has flexed his muscle in the summer window, attracting the likes of Oakley and McMann from under the noses of Championship rivals. McMann, who won the league with Dundee United and made last season’s PFA Team of the Year, has been hailed as a big coup.

Brown said: “We know exactly what we’re getting with these types of lad. Scotty is one who gives us great options down that left hand side with Paddy (Reading) also back from injury and that what's I mean about proper competition. Big George and Anton can be a big presence up top along with the other options we have there, so the squad is taking shape.

“The next four weeks will be vital in setting that tempo and the boys know they're in for hard work but they'll reap the rewards from that."