‘Scumbags’ twice fly-tip mound of household waste on Sutton Coldfield field

Angry residents condemned callous fly-tippers who dumped waste twice on a field earmarked for housing on the edge of Sutton Coldfield. Rubbish including empty cans, bottles and pots, chairs, clothes and garden waste was dumped on land which is part of the Langley development site in a field off Webster Way in Walmley on or around Sunday, June 2.

Fly-tippers then dumped more before anything could be done to stop them. Among the items dumped were ornaments, clothes, a Red Bull can, books, shoes, a grater, chairs, black bin bags with garden waste and rugs. Scattered around were bottles, a printed document referencing ‘GCSE English’, boxes and packaging and an empty carton of Canna Rhizotonic, used to help grow plants.

There were IKEA instructions, cardboard, a table top, broken glass, a comb, a plastic drainer, carpet offcuts, Brillo grill cleaner and a Nescafé coffee jar. There was also a glove, flies, plastic phone handset part, a knife and spoon, plastic compost wrapper, towels, a Mr Muscle bathroom cleaner container, a plastic garden pot, Skips and Walkers crisp packets and cushions.

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It was scattered on the field but was then piled in a mound, blocking the entrance to the field a little over a week later on Monday, June 10. The field is set to be part of the huge Langley development with 5,500 homes, schools, shops, health facilities and more.

An anonymous poster on the Royal Sutton Coldfield Community Group Facebook page asked If anyone recognised the items: “They have been fly tipped on Webster Way. Be good to find out who these scumbags are. If paying for rubbish removal please always ensure the company has a valid waste licence.”

Others expressed their dismay. One said: “Total ***holes some people have no shame.” Another said: “There is more on Fox Hollies too and on Oxleys. All those roads around there and up to Wishaw are affected by fly tippers. It's a blight on the community but nothing changes!”

A third added: “This is awful. I know there have been problems with fly-tipping around there for a long time but this is on another scale.” Coun David Barrie (Walmley and Minworth, Con) said the rubbish had been dumped on private land but he and fellow ward councillor, Ken Wood, had contacted the city council’s fleet and waste department to try to get it removed.

Coun Barrie said: “It is on private land. It was drawn to the owner's attention. We have spoken to fleet and waste. They volunteered to remove it if the landowner brought it to the side of the road.

“Since they made that offer the landowner (a member of the Langley Consortium) has done nothing to stop more rubbish being left and it has been. They didn’t act particularly quickly and another load appeared.

“If they move it to the roadside the crew can get to it. It’s certainly not the city council’s responsibility. We are doing our utmost to help. We have been back to the landowners. We want them to put something in place to stop it happening again. Wherever we have rubbish by the roadside we try to get it removed.”

A spokesman on behalf of the Langley Consortium said: "The consortium was aware as Coun Barrie had raised it. They have liaised with the landowner and Coun Barrie regarding it. We understand the tenant on the land is co-operating with the clean-up."