Search for eight people after Nottingham city centre restaurant targeted

Two people were assaulted and a restaurant window was smashed during two incidents in the city centre. On November 9, 2023, a group of people assaulted a man on his own outside the Metronome in Huntingdon Street.

When another man tried to help, he was punched in the face and had his phone smashed by the group. It happened between 9.30pm and 9.45pm.

Nottinghamshire Police believe that one of the men involved in the incident then went on to smash a restaurant window in the city centre. The unknown man is understood to have been told by staff at Saracens, on Lower Parliament Street, to leave before he later returned to throw a dumbbell through the glass window.

The front of the restaurant suffered considerable damage in the incident, which happened at 12.20am on November 10. Officers believe that the two separate incidents are linked and are looking to speak to the eight people pictured as part of the investigation.

Sergeant Mark Clark, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “We would ask that anyone who recognises any of the eight men pictured gets in touch with us. Likewise, we’d urge any of them that see this appeal to make themselves known to us, as they could be able to assist us with our inquiries into these two incidents.

“There is absolutely no excuse for anyone to act in the violent and aggressive manner demonstrated in both of these incidents, which we do believe are linked. Anyone with information can report it to us by calling 101, quoting incident 13 of 10 November 2023, or can report anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111.”