Shoplifter behind £400 theft haul including curtains after hitting six Nuneaton shops

Shoplifter Daniel Jones targeted stores in Nuneaton town centre
-Credit: (Image: Warwickshire Police)

A shoplifter was caught with a £400 haul after targeting shops in Nuneaton town centre. Daniel Jones, of no fixed abode, was behind a mini crimewave from June 1 to June 20.

But the 28-year-old was caught and arrested last week and charged with six shoplifting offences. He appeared at Coventry Magistrates’ Court where he pleaded guilty to all of the thefts.

It was heard that he had stolen items including coffee, alcohol, curtains, hair straighteners, toothbrushes and laundry pods. Their value was in excess of £400.

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He was sentenced to 18 weeks in prison for spate of shoplifting. Speaking after the case, PC Scott Roddy said: “Shoplifting is not a victimless crime, it impacts on businesses and the wider community. This result shows how we will be robust in pursuing offenders and putting them before the courts.”

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