Skegness donkey owner demands kids are weighed before beach rides

The sign used by John Nuttall
-Credit: (Image: (Image: SWNS))

Tensions have flared on the Skegness seafront after a donkey owner implemented a controversial policy requiring children to be weighed before they can enjoy a ride on the beach.

John Nuttall, whose family boasts a century of experience in providing traditional seaside donkey rides, has come under fire from campaigners after it was revealed that children suspected of weighing over six stone (38kg) would be asked to step onto scales, reports The Express.

Mr Nuttall insists that "some are just too big to ride a donkey". He said: "My donkeys work hard enough for me. The welfare of the animals has to come first."

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However, his stance has incited outrage from director of the Obesity Health Alliance Katharine Jenner who condemned the practice, stating it is "completely unacceptable to weigh a child in public - and then say they can't go on a ride".

Despite the backlash, Mr Nuttall, who also offers rides in Cleethorpes, stands by his decision to introduce weighing stations on the beach, describing it as a "sign of the times".

He also told the BBC: "Years ago you never had that. Kids were fit and healthy." In addition to the weight limit, Mr Nuttall has stipulated that riders must also be under 4ft 7ins (1.4m) tall and no older than 10 years of age.

Recent NHS data from October highlighted that approximately 20 percent of 10 and 11 year olds in East Lindsey district, which includes Skegness, were classified as obese last year. For Mr Nuttall, the safety and wellbeing of his donkeys remain the driving force behind his contentious policy.

He remarked: "If a child, due to their size, cannot keep their balance, there is a danger they could slip off the saddle, injuring themselves and the donkey. We assess all riders for the donkey they wish to ride."

He acknowledged that this policy led to some being "disappointed" when turned away, but noted that he and his staff had not faced any abuse from families as a result. He added: "People are understanding. Ultimately, it's about the welfare of the donkeys. The days of donkeys going up and down a beach with an adult on its back are long gone."

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The Obesity Health Alliance, a collective of over 50 organisations aiming to tackle obesity-related health issues, concurred with Ms Jenner's perspective, pointing the finger at the "environment that surrounds children".

Ms Jenner added: "It's the unhealthy food and drink that they have on their plates, in their high streets, in their schools. That's where we should be focussing our attention to try and improve what children are being given, rather than embarrassing them about their size."