Sky customers hit with £500 bill after trying to switch to Virgin Media

A sign outside a Virgin Media store
Virgin says the matter has been resolved -Credit:Nicholas.T.Ansell/PA Wire

Sky customers switching to Virgin Media were left staggered after they faced a hefty £500 bill. Julie Roberts-Marley, 52, and her husband Simon Marley, 55, have been engulfed in a dispute over an astronomical £500 charge after they attempted to switch their service provider.

In search of a more affordable internet and phone deal, the duo from Sittingbourne, Kent attempted to move their patronage from Sky to Virgin Media. However, when their new deal seemed to take an eternity of over two weeks to become functional, they opted for cancellation, reports Birmingham Live.

The Marleys decided to pull the plug on the transaction due to what they described as absolutely "abysmal" customer service from Virgin, only to find out later that they were outside the company's grace period, leaving them with a staggering cancellation fee of £509.

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An exasperated Simon expressed: "Virgin are a big company, and we're just little people and they know we can't afford to pay for it. They mess you about after promising the Earth.

"It feels like it's taken over our lives, trying to get a telephone. Something like this, with the threat of having a £500 bill, for some families could push them over the edge."

A representative for Virgin Media said: "We've contacted Ms Roberts-Marley to apologise for the delay in processing the number port. Whilst we can find no evidence to suggest Ms Roberts-Marley was ever without a working landline, we have agreed to waive all early disconnection fees as a gesture of goodwill. She's happy the matter has been resolved."

Julie added: "No one else, especially those more vulnerable, [should have to] go through the stress of this situation. If we can stop another person from having to do this ordeal - and it has been an ordeal - then my time and energy, and it's a lot of energy for me, has been useful."

"I just want to forewarn other people because the bulk of people that find they need a TV package are someone like us who are disabled and are at home all day. [A telephone line] is vitally important for us because of my disability. My telephone line can't be done through a mobile - it has to be done through a landline."