Should smacking children be banned in England? Let us know in our poll as calls made for law change

Should smacking be banned in England?
Should smacking be banned in England? -Credit:Western Mail Archive

Should smacking be banned in England?

We have set up a poll, which you can see below, for people to air their views on the subject after paediatricians said laws must be changed to ensure smacking a child is not seen as acceptable in any circumstances. The current law in England and Northern Ireland has created "grey areas" which mean there is sometimes a defence to physical punishment, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) said.

Wales made any type of corporal punishment, including smacking, hitting, slapping and shaking, illegal in March 2022, while Scotland had already introduced a similar ban in November 2020. The RCPCH said amendments to the Children Act 2004 for England and the Law Reform Order 2006 for Northern Ireland "to remove the 'reasonable punishment' defence from all UK law are long overdue".

Its report on the issue argued that, ahead of a general election, this was a time for all political parties to "make meaningful commitments on this important children's rights issue". Professor Andrew Rowland, a consultant paediatrician and RCPCH officer for child protection, said: "The laws around physical punishment as they stand are unjust and dangerously vague. They create a grey area in which some forms of physical punishment may be lawful, and some are not."

He said he was "regularly faced with situations where it is alleged that physical punishment has been used against a child" but that the "vague nature of the laws make it extremely challenging" to talk to families about what the rules are and therefore more difficult to talk about the best interests of their children. He added: "This lack of legislative clarity can even add an extra layer of complexity when trying to identify cases of child abuse."

He said society's views on punishment had changed over time, with a majority of adults agreeing that physical punishment of children was unacceptable. Physical punishment could also result in a child having the learned belief that violence was accepted and this could "lead to further instances of violence and harm later in life", he added.

Prof Rowland said: "There must be no grey areas when it comes to safeguarding children. Changing the laws in England and Northern Ireland will give us absolute clarity and ensure there are no instances where it is acceptable or lawful to smack a child."

The NSPCC's Joanna Barrett said children in England and Northern Ireland "continue to be exposed to a legal loophole that can undermine their basic right to protection under the guise of 'reasonable chastisement"'. She added: "As this timely report from child health experts at RCPCH shows, hitting a child can have harmful and lasting consequences.

"We know from Childline that physical punishment can impact a child's mental and emotional health and damage the relationship between parent and child. That's why we're calling on political leaders in England and Northern Ireland to commit to bringing an end to the physical punishment of children - as the rest of the UK have successfully done."

A spokesperson for the Department for Education said: "Any form of violence towards a child is completely unacceptable and we have clear laws in place to prevent it. It is the responsibility of the parent to discipline their children, appropriately and within the boundaries of the law.

"We are supporting teachers, social workers and all safeguarding professionals to spot the signs of abuse or neglect more quickly, and our statutory framework for safeguarding children in England makes clear what organisations should do to keep children safe."