South African albino elephant thrives among herd

This South African albino elephant is thriving

Location: Hoedspruit, South Africa

Khanyisa was rescued from a poaching snare

and now lives with a new herd of elephants

(SOUNDBITE) (English) FOUNDER, HOEDSPRUIT ELEPHANT REHABILITATION AND DEVELOPMENT (HERD), ADINE ROODE, SAYING:"You'll also see when she's with the herd that she will either go and stand either underneath him when she was little, but also in the elephant shade, not to get sunburned. So it's just amazing how she actually adapts to a situation."

Albino elephants are rare

but those with the condition can adapt to their environment

Khanyisa is able to shelter in larger elephants' shadows to protect her skin

She has also bonded with a sheep named Lammie

(SOUNDBITE) (English) FOUNDER, HOEDSPRUIT ELEPHANT REHABILITATION AND DEVELOPMENT (HERD), ADINE ROODE, SAYING:"Lammie does have a very motherly instinct, because the breed, she's a Peddie (small town in Eastern Cape, South Africa) breed and they do have, just that instinct of being motherly, but also she was hand-raised."