Spacey Unmasked: 8 Shocking Allegations From the Kevin Spacey Documentary Streaming on Max

Spacey Unmasked: 8 Shocking Allegations From the Kevin Spacey Documentary Streaming on Max
Spacey Unmasked: 8 Shocking Allegations From the Kevin Spacey Documentary Streaming on Max

Warning: This post contains graphic descriptions of sexual misconduct.

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After exposing horrific sexual and emotional abuse on the sets of Nickelodeon kids’ shows with Quiet on Set, ID is turning to another controversial Hollywood subject for its next documentary: Kevin Spacey.

The Oscar-winning actor and House of Cards star has been accused of sexually harassing and assaulting young men several times in recent years, with the accusations derailing his once-sterling career. (Spacey denies all claims, for the record, and has been cleared in court on multiple charges.) ID’s new documentary Spacey Unmasked — which premiered on Monday and is now streaming on Max — shares first-hand accounts from a number of men who haven’t spoken out before about their encounters with Spacey and how he allegedly used his Hollywood clout for his own sexual gratification.

Spacey Unmasked is a tough watch, but it provides the most comprehensive portrait yet of Spacey’s alleged pattern of behavior, stretching back to the early 1980s. Read on to hear the shocking accusations from eight of the documentary’s interview subjects, and share your reaction to the doc in the comments below.  

1. Randy

1. Randy
1. Randy

Randy isn’t an alleged victim of Kevin Spacey’s; he’s actually his brother. But his childhood memories do shed light on Spacey’s upbringing. Randy recalls growing up in Canoga Park, California with Kevin, describing their father as “angry” and “hateful.” Their father displayed Nazi flags and memorabilia in the house and would beat Randy with a riding crop, the brother recalls. Even worse, his father sodomized Randy at age 13, with the sexual abuse continuing for years.

Their father never hit or abused Kevin, Randy insists, but he thinks Kevin saw acting as “a way from him to escape where he came from.” He theorizes that Kevin must still have “psychological trauma” from “the strange family life we had.”

2. Daniel

2. Daniel
2. Daniel

Daniel was 23 years old when he got the call to play a Secret Service agent on Spacey’s Netflix series House of Cards. He thought it was “a great opportunity” and would be “so cool” to work with Spacey. He and Spacey got to talking on set, and Daniel thought he was just being friendly. But after shooting a scene together, he and Spacey walked off set, and “I felt something tickle me just right below my zipper.” When Daniel looked down, he saw Spacey’s finger: “His hand touched my penis… it was sexual.”

Daniel couldn’t believe he was being “inappropriately touched” “at work,” and he remembers looking into Spacey’s “dead eyes.” He felt like he was looking at “a soulless monster,” he says. He adds that he never spoke out because of fear of not being believed, thinking: “This stuff doesn’t happen to guys.”

3. Andy

3. Andy
3. Andy

Andy first encountered Spacey in 1981 when he was working at New York’s Public Theater and Spacey was doing Shakespeare in the Park. They met in the theater’s office, and when Spacey stood up to greet him, “he had a full-scale erection,” Andy says. Spacey pulled him onto a desk, and suddenly, “he was on top of me, and he’s pressing against me.” The incident was “wordless” and “angry,” Andy recalls, and after he pushed Spacey off, Spacey left and slammed the door: “It was cold in a way that was almost inhuman. I was really scared.”

4. Scott

4. Scott
4. Scott

A former Marine trying to break into showbiz, Scott was starstruck when he first met Spacey at L.A.’s the Viper Room in 1998. Spacey asked him for his headshot, Scott remembers, and they talked about working together, so Scott thought Spacey was taking him under his wing. But later, at a party in the Hollywood Hills, Spacey invited him into another room to see the home theater, and “I started to feel the energy shift a little bit,” Scott says.

Spacey asked him, “Can I have a hug?” and when Scott said yes, Spacey took him in a “bear grip,” rubbing his face on his neck and “kind of grinding into me. Like, humping me.” Scott reminded Spacey that he had a girlfriend downstairs, but Spacey just said that’s fine. Scott also reminded Spacey that he was a Marine, and Spacey replied: “Yeah, that’s half the attraction.”

The next day, though, Spacey asked for Scott’s headshot, and Scott still thought this could help his acting career. So he agreed to go see Saving Private Ryan — in which Scott had played a soldier — with Spacey, sitting in a secluded spot. The movie’s opening is infamously violent, filled with graphic war casualties, but Scott noticed “there’s some activity happening next to me… Kevin is just pleasuring himself.” He thought: “There’s no way this guy is rubbing one out during the invasion of Normandy.” Scott says Spacey reached over and grabbed his hand, trying to get him to join in, but Scott pulled away.

Scott stopped returning Spacey’s phone calls, but he couldn’t resist when Spacey invited him to a party thrown by Bruce Willis. Scott met Spacey at a hotel room, where Spacey began rubbing his back and shoulders and told him “there’s a glass ceiling in Hollywood,” which Scott took to mean: “If you don’t pay the toll, your sexual favors, you’ll have a decent career, but you’re not going to have your name in lights.” Scott left, and his macho friends said they would’ve punched Spacey, but Scott just felt ashamed and blamed himself: “Guys like myself, you just really don’t find yourself in those situations.”

5. Jesse

5. Jesse
5. Jesse

A self-described “drama nerd,” Jesse scored a coveted internship on the set of Spacey’s 1999 film The Big Kahuna. Spacey quickly pulled him aside, telling him, “I’m kidnapping you” and pulling him into his dressing room to run lines. It was “a dream come true” for Jesse, but when Spacey asked him to rub his sore shoulder, he also tried to put his hand on Jesse’s crotch: “He was clearly trying to get me to do sexual things.” Then at a bar after filming wrapped, Spacey asks Jesse if he wanted to smoke weed. They went into the men’s room, and Spacey “whips out his dick and shoves his tongue in my mouth… He wanted to finish.” When someone knocked on the door, Jesse says, Spacey zipped up and ran out.

Jesse felt like he had “leverage” after that incident, and he had written a script that he wanted Spacey to produce, so he later went to Spacey’s hotel room, where “he put my hand on his crotch. He clearly wanted me to jerk him off.” Jesse froze, so Spacey finished on his own. Then after getting several “booty calls” from Spacey, Jesse finally agreed to meet. Spacey picked him up in his car, Jesse recalls, and the actor quickly took out his penis. Jesse wasn’t attracted to him — he had a girlfriend — but he wanted to advance his career: “Well, I guess I’m gonna try to give him head and see if that works.” The oral sex only lasted five or ten seconds, though, and Spacey again finished on his own.

“As soon as he climaxed, he became this whole other person,” Jesse reveals, with Spacey back to being a fun storyteller and entertainer. But Spacey never asked about Jesse’s script and ignored him when he brought it up. Jesse realized to his dismay: “He never offered me anything.”

6. Travis

6. Travis
6. Travis

Travis was also a former Marine and aspiring actor when he ran into Spacey at the 2005 Golden Globes. Spacey called him over and asked, “Who are you?” They smoked a joint together, and Travis felt like “I’ve got a new best friend.” Spacey invited him to an after-party at a hotel room, but when Travis got there, Spacey was in a robe holding a Scotch and a joint… and he was the only one there.

Spacey peppered him with questions about his career, and “he loved the fact that I was a U.S. Marine.” Travis told him he’s not gay, but Spacey said: “Even better. Oh darling, there’s nothing like flipping a U.S. Marine who looks like you.” He locked the door and told Travis to take his shirt off, but Travis said no, planting a chaste kiss on him and saying “I’m leaving.” Travis now wonders how many people went along with what Spacey wanted… and got nothing out of it.

7. Danny

7. Danny
7. Danny

Spacey became creative director of London’s famed Old Vic theater in 2003, and Danny, who worked as an usher there at the time, remembers marveling at his “stage presence.” But during a performance of Cinderella for kids, Danny recalls Spacey wedging himself next to him off-stage: “I felt his whole groin push on my face… I could feel him getting pleasure by it.” Danny froze up (“I felt so small”), and he started not wanting to go to work, with Spacey giving him looks “like he owned part of me.”

8. Ruari

8. Ruari
8. Ruari

A young actor who had a small role in the Brad Pitt movie World War Z, Ruari then landed a role in a production of Sweet Bird of Youth at the Old Vic while Spacey was there. On the play’s press night, Spacey’s assistant brought Ruari a card and a gift before the show: a poster from the original run of Sweet Bird of Youth. Ruari felt embarrassed to receive this gift in front of everyone. Why was he being singled out?

After the play, they went out to an after-party, and Spacey posed for photographers on the red carpet. Ruari went up to him to thank him for the gift, and Spacey pulled him towards him, turned him sideways, put his hand down his pants “and stuck his middle finger as far up me as possible.” Spacey whispered to him, “Don’t worry about it,” and went back to glad-handing the press. Ruari felt sick, and shortly after that, he stopped auditioning, staying in bed all day. He’s since had addiction issues and relationship issues, he says, and the aftereffects of his encounter with Spacey linger to this day.

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