'Special investigation' police team now searching for Jay Slater despite official searches called off

-Credit: (Image: Getty)
-Credit: (Image: Getty)

A British TikTok personality has flown to Tenerife in an effort to shed light on the disappearance of Jay Slater, claiming that a dedicated Spanish crime division is persistently searching the mountains for hints this comes despite Spanish police declaring a halt to their nearly two-week-long search.

Social media influencer and hobbyist mountaineer Paul Arnott was the lone Briton present in the last stages of the endeavour to locate Jay Slater and had previously criticised the Spanish authorities, accusing them of engaging in a significant PR exercise.

However, the 29 year old subsequently shared details on TikTok regarding an ongoing operation by a special crime squad focusing on the mountainous areas around the hamlet of Masca for leads on the missing 19 year old.

READ MORE: Jay Slater disappearance and 'stolen Rolex' theory explained after police probe

This update emerges following the Tenerife police's declaration that they were terminating the extensive search for the apprentice bricklayer from Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire. On Sunday, June 30, the Civil Guard concluded their exhaustive search, which encompassed the use of search dogs, a helicopter, and rescue specialists navigating difficult terrain.

A spokesperson confirmed: "The search operation has now finished although the case remains open."

Notwithstanding the formal cessation, TikToker Paul insisted that expert investigative squads are still meticulously checking parts of Masca village to locate the young man. He disclosed: "So guys, I've just come up from the side of the mountain and something really interesting has happened.", reports the Mirror.

"I was walking along the road and a car pulled up beside me, and a woman and a man got out of the car - and I was thinking 'what's going on here? '. They weren't dressed in uniform but they were very very official. They came out very polite and said 'are you the man off TikTok? '".

Paul went on to say: "They pulled up some videos and said 'is this you? ' and I said 'yeah', and they identified themselves as police. Very nice police I'd say, very very kind people. Very communicative and chatty guys. They told me what areas they think Jay may be in and also said they were a special investigative team."

"So they're studying the landscape and a few other bits. They gave me their direct Whatsapp and I can get in contact with them if I find anything, or if they have any more information then they can get into contact with me, so that was really really nice."

He added: "Really positive experience with the police out here."

The search for Jay officially concluded at 10am on Sunday morning, with media arriving at the usual viewpoint meeting spot at the search site only to discover it empty. Just 24 hours earlier, approximately 30 rescue workers and dozens of journalists had gathered in the area following an appeal for assistance from Tenerife's top cop Angel Sanz Coronado.

Jay has been unaccounted for in Tenerife since June 17, having left the NRG music festival by car with two men and spent the night at an Airbnb located in a rural area in the north west of the island. His devastated family have pledged to continue their search, despite the conclusion of on-the-ground searches.

Jay Slater has been missing in Tenerife since June 17
Jay Slater has been missing in Tenerife since June 17

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