Springtime alert as sheep being rustled amid black market meat fears

sheep in a field
Sheep -Credit:Birmingham Post and Mail

Farmers are being warned to be vigilant after sheep were stolen in Worcestershire. West Mercia Police issued the warning today following concerns sheep were targeted for the illegal sale of meat on the black market.

The force said there had been reports of several thefts, or attempted thefts, of sheep in the Iverley area over the last few weeks. One incident saw a pregnant ewe stolen.

Police suspected the thieves discovered the ewe was pregnant as the animal was later found abandoned in a lay-by near Brierley Hill. Another farmer found the ewe and returned her to her owners.

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Another incident, on March 24, saw thieves attempt to steal lambs from a farm in Upton Warren, near Bromsgrove. However, they were disturbed by a member of the public.

A third incident saw an attempt to steal lambs from the same location. The criminals tried to flee with the lamb but it was left behind.

Finally, earlier this week, two rams worth around £500 each were reported stolen from a farm in Wildmoor, near Bromsgrove.

Sarah Sceats, of West Mercia Police, said: “We are urging farmers to be extra vigilant of their livestock following these recent incidents. We're advising them to take the time to check the perimeters of their land are as secure as possible and, where practical, to keep sheep and lambs as close to the farm as they can.

“We would further warn potential thieves that stealing lambs is a criminal offence and that, in any case, they would not be getting much meat on the bones at this time of year. It is also cruel to separate them from their parents which can be particularly distressing for the ewes."