Star Wars 3D Blu-ray coming spring

Pocket-lint sources at the Panasonic conference in Hamburg tell us that Star Wars is headed to Blu-ray in 3D this spring. Rather unsurprisingly, following the film's 3D cinema release, Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace will be available to pick up on 3D Blu-ray. What is surprising, however, that it will be on such a fast turn around after the box office release.

No word yet if the originals will be making their way into 3D 1080p goodness, we've heard strong hints that the rest of the new films will also be released after their cinematic debuts. Good stuff for those who just shelled out for the new Blu-ray boxset. Not.

Panasonic has an ongoing relationship with the Star Wars movie franchise, bundling the films with its Blu-ray players back in 2011. The consumer electronics manufacturer will be bringing Episode 1 to Blu-ray in spring just the same.

As the Star Wars movies are set to come out yearly in order, in 3D, it is entirely plausible that the 3D Blu-rays will do similar.

Time to get ourselves a new telly. We thought the classic series couldn't look much better than the recent Blu-ray release. Who knows what it will look like in 3D at home.

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