Study Confirms ‘Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater’

Your mum was right: researchers have proved that people who cheated on past partners are more likely to cheat on their future ones.

A study carried out by University of Denver graduate student Kayla Knopp found that people who cheated in one relationship were three and a half times more likely to cheat in their next relationship than people who have never cheated on a partner.

The study also found that people who had been cheated on in the past were more likely to be cheated on in the future, too.

Knopp studied 484 unmarried 18-to 34-year-olds to reach her conclusions, presenting the findings at the annual American Psychological Association’s convention in Washington, D.C.

While the findings aren’t necessarily representative of the human race as a whole, they do suggest that there is a pattern to our relationship behaviours.

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(Image: Monkey Business Images/REX)