Summer cost of living payments to enter bank accounts - but they're not automatic

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The Household Support Fund will offer support to struggling families. -Credit:Nick Wilkinson/Birmingham Live

Support payments to help millions of struggling households cope with the cost of living will be paid out this summer. People are being made aware of the payments which will be available through the Household Support Fund (HSF).

Each local council runs its own HSF through money given to it by the Government. Residents can then submit applications for support, which in some areas includes cash payments.

Applicants will often have to prove they are suffering some kind of financial hardship which. In many cases, people will have to show they are claiming means-tested benefits.

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Most local authorities are finalising plans for their emergency funds, designed to help those most in need of support. They also involve offering targeted support such as meal vouchers, council tax discounts and housing improvements.

The HSF will continue to offer a lifeline to struggling families after the Government confirmed it would be extended through the summer to September. Millions more pounds will be funnelled through to councils as a result to target those struggling to make ends meet.

Households wanting to access support will need to apply through their local council when the new HSFs go live. In many areas, that still hasn't happened yet but is expected to do so over the coming weeks.

The easiest thing for people to do is to keep an eye on their local council's website for updates. Googling the name of the council and 'Household Support Fund' should bring up the page setting out latest details. Some councils may close their HSFs early if the money runs out.