The surprising three items to take out of your car as heatwave approaches

Motorists are being advised to remove three items from their vehicles after driving with hot weather expected to sweep parts of Wales and the UK. The rising summer temperatures can unexpectedly compromise your safety while driving.

And while we all know driving can be more of a chore when the sun is shining drivers are now being told to remove three specific items before the heat increases. The first thing you won't want to leave in your car after getting behind during the wheel on a sunny day is bottled water. As the temperature rises chemicals from the plastic can seep into the water making it unsafe to drink.

In extreme cases they can even act as a magnifying glass for sunlight and potentially start a fire inside the vehicle. The safest option is to take the bottle out of the car to ensure both the vehicle's safety and the water's freshness, reports YorkshireLive.

Second on the list is medication. Many people may not realise that common over-the-counter drugs like paracetamol, Calpol, and other pain relievers have a maximum temperature at which they remain effective.

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Leaving a pack of painkillers in a hot car could cause them to lose their efficacy or become entirely ineffective In fact, most commercial painkillers and medicines can only withstand temperatures below 26C meaning you could inadvertently worsen your symptoms.

Sun cream, also known as sun block or sunscreen, is another issue when left in a hot car. It can go off inside the bottle and could even explode due to the pressure in the heat. It's advised to treat it like out-of-date sun cream and replace it.

What should you keep in your car during a heatwave?

Make sure you have plenty of petrol or diesel because fuel runs out faster in a heatwave. You also need to ensure the car has enough water and oil, both of which are vital on hot days, and that your aircon gas is topped up. Other than that take care and drive carefully in the sunshine and keep an eye on your engine's temperature gauge to avoid costly breakdowns in the sun.