Teen firefighter who loved responding to '911′ calls so much is charged with arson

Adam Selbee and one of the buildings he allegedly set fire to (Fox 59)
An American firefighter has been charged with arson after as many as eight fires.
It is believed that Adam Selbee loved responding to emergency calls so much that he started several fires of his own.
Selbee, 19, from Indiana, may have set fire to ifive buildings and and three hay bales because of his thrill of a ‘911′ call.
He was arrested after police officers placed a tracking device on his vehicle.
Cops had become suspicious after they discovered that Selbee was either the person to report the fire or, more often than not. the first firefighter on the scene.

Selbee may be responsible for starting as many as eight fires, including at a historic gym in the town of Springfield (Fox 59)
He apparently admitted his love of responding when quizzed by cops.
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Selbee allegedly told that he ‘admitted to lighting three vacant structures and multiple hay bales on fire, “because he enjoyed responding” to them as a firefighter’, reported Fox 59.

Selbee has been released on bail following his arrest (Fox 59)
He is facing four counts of arson and charges of obstructing traffic, as well as three counts of criminal recklessness.
One of the buildings damaged was a historic gym in the town of Springfield.

His grandfather admitted he was ‘disappointed’ by what had happened (Fox 59)
Selbee has been released from custody on bail.
His grandfather Max Peters told 13 WTHR news: ‘It’s a disappointment to me, It’s a disappointment to the whole community. I don’t know what to do.’