The 15 stages of becoming obsessed with a TV show


We’ve all been there, wondering what show to watch next only to become absolutely hooked by a new one, dreaming about characters and becoming emotionally involved with completely fictional people.

If you recognise this cycle of events, you are officially a television addict:

1. Hesitation


A friend recommends that you start watching a new television show. You aren’t really digging it, but you feel like you have to watch for the sake of your friendship.

2. The Beginnings


You give it a go and test out the pilot episode. You keep your expectations low just in case.

3. “This isn’t too bad, you know…”


Ok, your friends were right - this is pretty good. You finally have something new to become your go-to time waster.

4. The inability to multitask


Don’t even bother trying to do anything else while this show is on in the background. It requires full concentration now. You won’t get anything done.

5. A difficulty distinguishing real life and television life


You rage when a character does something stupid. You become emotionally invested in their relationships and your mood is temporarily dependent on the quality of the episode you’re watching.

6. “I’m in love”


You’ll undoubtedly fall for a character or you’ll have new relationship envy/goals as your favourite on-screen couple display all kinds of cuteness.

7. “I will go down with this ship…”


You’ll fully support one couple that the rest of the fandom will hate.

8. Hatred for a character you once loved


You may have fallen for a character quickly, but disappointment can come around at the same speed - especially if they upset your absolute favourite.

9. “Sorry, I can’t come out, I’ve got plans.”


Like binge-watching the new series of Orange is the New Black… Goodbye social life!

10. The end is near, so begins the fear


There aren’t many episodes left. What if your favourite characters don’t get back together? What if somebody is killed off. You can’t handle the suspense.

11. To watch or not to watch


With only a few episodes left you’re tempted to slow it down for a bit. Who are you kidding? You can’t stay away.

12. What will I do with my life now?


That’s it. You’re up to date. No more episodes to watch. Guess it’s time to be social now…

13. When will the show be back on?


Or worse, will it be back?

14. The recommendation


You hear great things about a new show…

15. Hesitation once again…


Should you start watching though? It probably won’t be as good as the last show you were hooked on…