New three-bed Darlington home approved by council despite resident objection

The house will be built between 72 and 74 Crosby Street. <i>(Image: Google)</i>
The house will be built between 72 and 74 Crosby Street. (Image: Google)

Darlington Borough Council has granted planning permission for the construction of a new three-bedroom house on Crosby Street, despite objections being raised.

The house will sit between number 72 and 74 and match the architectural style and height of surrounding homes.

The council validated the plan stating: "The location is appropriate for new development as it's within an established residential area."

The council also highlighted the inclusion of two bird boxes in the garden that are part of the development's environmental measures.

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Two parking spaces will be allocated in the rear garden.

However, the decision was not without resistance.

Residents felt the new development would limit their access and parking, impair the passage of emergency vehicles, as well as create noise post-construction and during the building phase.

There were also concerns about the new house reducing property values on Crosby Street.

Responding to the concerns, the council dismissed the issues of construction disruption as temporary and deemed maintenance issues as civil matters it could not enforce.

They also claimed the new house would not significantly impact the privacy or light of neighbouring properties and parking provisions were adequate and safe.

Susan Spinks' application was granted with conditions - the construction must stick to approved plans, be completed within three years, and adhere to specified hours to lessen interruption.