Tiffany Haddish is not above tracking down her online trolls and ringing them up on the phone

"They’ll be like, ‘I can’t believe you even saw that.’ You did a whole video, bitch!"

TIffany Haddish has been on the receiving end of a lot of online hate for quite a while now, so much so that she's taken hands-on measures to combat the cyberbullying. Real hands-on.

In a Los Angeles Times profile, Haddish reveals she trolls her online trolls, sometimes even calling them up and confronting them about their harassment.

Haddish tells the outlet she's taken to blocking certain phrases on her Instagram and she hired a digital forensics analyst to research the origin of death threats she had been receiving — she was relieved to learn 75% were created by robots in Malaysia and Iran.

<p>Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images</p> Tiffany Haddish

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Tiffany Haddish

Going one step further, the 44-year-old has created an Instagram alter ego named "Sarah," whom she uses to "destroy" her haters by spreading details of their personal lives.

“I’ve learned how to find people’s information — like I pull up the credit report, police records. You can do that for $1.99,” Haddish said. “Sometimes, I get so mad that I’ll get they phone number and I’ll just call them.”

She continued, “Oh, I have called people, honey. They be shocked that I called. They’ll be like, ‘I can’t believe you even saw that.’ You did a whole video, bitch! You made a full, five-minute video! On the internet, people think they can just say whatever and you not gonna say anything. I try my best not to, but I’m a human being.”

After her breakout role in 2017's Girls Trip, Haddish became rather ubiquitous in Hollywood, which meant that it was only a matter of time before the backlash began. That seemed to happen in September 2022 when she and fellow comedian Aries Spears were sued for alleged grooming and sexual abuse of two minors, a brother and sister, stemming from two sketches the siblings had participated in. The lawsuit was dismissed a few weeks later.

However, Haddish had a few more run-ins with the law and was arrested for a DUI in January 2022 and again in November 2023. Coupled with a controversial trip to Israel in February, and Haddish has attracted her fair share of detractors.

But they detract at their own peril, lest they receive a phone call from the actress in the middle of the night.

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