Who is Tom King in Emmerdale? Everything you need to know

 James Chase as Tom King Jr.
James Chase as Tom King Jr.

Emmerdale welcomed back a familiar face as Tom King Jr (James Chase) returned to the village, ten years after his exit.

During his Emmerdale return, a mysterious man was watching Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) from his car as she busily prepared for the Wellness Retreat she had organised.

Later on, when the mysterious figure bumped into Belle, she was stunned to see that it was none other than her ex-boyfriend Tom!

It wasn't long before the former lovers were flirting and catching up over a drink, where Tom revealed that he was now a vet.

Since his return, Belle and Tom tied the knot, but behind closed doors Tom has exhibited abusive and controlling behaviour towards Belle, from insults to physical violence.

When she rejected his first proposal, Tom lashed out and pushed her, causing her to hit her head on a table. A guilt-ridden Tom broke down in tears and profusely apologised for what he had done as Belle forgave him for his actions.

He has since convinced Belle to take his last name and is set to step up his control over her when he sabotages her job offer.

Here is a refresher on who is Tom King in Emmerdale?...

Belle and Tom's wedding - saying the vows
Belle and Tom's wedding - saying the vows

Who is Tom King in Emmerdale?

Tom King — formerly known as Thomas King  — is the son of killer Carl King (Tom Lister) and Jimmy King's (Nick Miles) nephew. He was originally played by Mark Flanagan.

His father, Carl was killed in a live episode in October 2012 and Tom believed that Carl's former fiancée Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter) was responsible for the murder and decided to terrorise her in revenge.

He made her life a living hell by stalking her, sending her disturbing photos, making anonymous vicious phone calls to the pub and attacking her when he threw a glass bottle at her.

Tom was eventually exposed for his cruel acts and it was later revealed that Cameron Murray (Dominic Power) was the one who killed Carl, as he was having an affair with Chas at the time.

The troubled teen then had a secret romance with Belle and planned to run away with her, but fled the village on his own to live in Saudi Arabia with his mum Colleen (Melanie Ash) in 2013.

Belle Dingle and Thomas King in 2013
Belle Dingle and Thomas King in 2013

Who is Tom King Sr in Emmerdale?

Tom is named after his grandfather Tom King (Ken Farrington), who appeared in the soap from 2004 to 2006.

The rich businessman was murdered on Christmas Day 2006 at his wedding reception when he was pushed from his bedroom window after being hit over the head with an ornament. It later transpired that Carl King (Tom Lister) was the unknown assailant who killed Tom.

Tom King in Emmerdale wearing a suit
Tom King in Emmerdale wearing a suit

Why isn't he called Thomas any more?

When Tom returned, Belle was surprised to hear that he no longer went by the name Thomas and he revealed the reason why.

"So, 'Tom' what happened to 'Thomas'?" Belle asked.

"Thomas? That's a five-year-old's name. Now, Tom, that's strong. Masculine. Alpha," he replied.


Who is the new Tom King in Emmerdale?

Tom King was originally played by Mark Flanagan, but the character has now been recast with actor James Chase taking over the role.

James has also appeared in Robin of Loxley and The Beginning and End of Everything.

Emmerdale airs weeknights at 7.30 pm on ITV1, with a hour-long episode on Thursdays — see our TV Guide for full listings. You can also catch up on ITVX.