Tragedy of 'polite' dad found dead in Calthorpe Park only months after moving to Birmingham

Incident response units lined up in Edward Road, Balsall Heath
Incident response units lined up in Edward Road, Balsall Heath -Credit:Karl Andrews

A 'polite' dad was tragically found dead in a Balsall Heath park last summer only months after moving to Birmingham, an inquest heard. Duncan McLellan, originally from Brighton, had been living in a Moseley hostel since March 2022.

The 56-year-old, who lived in Park Road supported accommodation, died after he sadly took his own life in Calthorpe Park, Birmingham Coroner's Court heard. Police, firefighters and paramedics were called near to the junction of Constance Road after his body was discovered on a bridge at around midday on June 11 last year.

He suffered with a history of feeling suicidal, hearing voices, depression and anxiety - and claimed neighbours in the local community had been "calling him names" ahead of his death, the court was told. Days before the tragedy, now ruled as suicide by Area Coroner Emma Brown, he was rushed to A&E at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital after a significant self-harm incident.

Read more: Tragedy as man found dead in Balsall Heath street

During his assessment there on June 7, "he appeared paranoid and anxious" and was suffering from low mood and auditory hallucinations, the coroner heard. A decision was made to transfer him to PDU, a nursing assessment unit.

He told staff he self-harmed "out of despair as there were people that live in the neighbourhood" that were calling him names and making accusations, the inquest heard. He was not detained at the assessment unit and, as he was deemed to have capacity and wished to go home, he was discharged back to the hostel the following day, June 8.

Mr McLellan was last seen alive in his room - which he kept "near enough immaculate" - at around 7pm that day. Before leaving, he told a homeless support worker: "I may be out in a bit." Plans were in place for a home treatment team review the next day, however he "could not be located...and stopped answering his phone," the court heard.

Several attempts were made to contact him, but to no avail. His movements between the last time he was seen alive, and his death, are still "unknown." Gemma Lloyd, a mental health nurse, told the hearing: "After the [home treatment] referral came in, I would have discussed it with my colleagues who were on shift; it was quite a risky situation. We all agreed that was of some concern. It was agreed that he is someone who reaches out for support.

"After attempting to do the medical review and him not being at the address, not having his phone on or having it switched off, there was an increase in concern felt by the team." Further attempts were made to reach him, including another visit to the hostel. Mental health staff reported him as a high risk missing person on June 10, but it was graded by police as medium risk and could not be resourced "due to demand", the coroner said.

Area Coroner Emma Brown concluded: "On June 9, 2023 Mr McLellan could not be located for the planned review by the home treatment team and, stopped answering his phone. This raised concern for his safety and Mr McLellan was reported missing to police at 12.44am on June 10, 2023.

"It was reported to police that he was high risk given his recent self harm actions, disengaging from services and his whereabouts being unknown which was out of character." The case was triaged as medium risk with a P2 grading giving a target response time of 1 hour.

She added: "The case could not be resourced due to demand. A follow up call was made by a dispatcher to the informant at around 4pm after which it was concluded Mr McLellan was not missing and the log was closed.

"The call did not illicit all the relevant information that would have identified that Mr McLellan was missing and at medium risk, leading to further investigations being carried out. Mr McLellan's movements after he was last seen alive are unknown, as is the precise time of death, but it is unlikely he could have been located before his death even with further inquiries."