Transport for London bus passengers face new 'mandatory' rule

Mandatory speed limiters have been tipped to be enforced on all Transport for London buses amid major concerns to public safety. Data by Transport for London found that more than three-quarters (76 per cent) of serious bus-related injuries involved people walking or bus occupants in 2022.

Several buses in West London have been fitted with new speed limiters, GB News reported. TfL said: “To deliver safe speeds, we will continue to roll out and monitor Intelligent Speed Assistance, which limits buses to the posted speed limit, helping to normalise lower speed limits in London.”

TfL added: “The programme is broad, including fatigue management, and driver health and wellbeing, such as the delivery of Fatigue Management Awareness Training for all supervisors and managers in the London bus operators.”

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Nick Simmons, CEO of RoadPeace said: “It is encouraging to learn that there was a slight decrease in road deaths and serious injuries in London in 2023, but we are still deeply saddened by the tragic and unacceptable loss of life and the extreme suffering caused by collisions in the capital.

“The ripple effect of road crashes goes far beyond the statistics; it devastates families and shatters communities. We need collective action and commitment from everyone - drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and policymakers - to see a significant reduction in road deaths and serious injuries and to create safer streets for all.”

The Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) system has the ability to slow down a car automatically if the driver is over the speed limit. For instance, if you're driving on a motorway, the ISA technology would restrict you to a maximum of 70mph as this is the national speed limit.

Speed limiters are already fitted on many cars and can be overridden by pressing hard on the accelerator. But new rules come into action from July 7, and new cars sold in UK dealerships from this date might have the new technology installed.