'This was a truly wicked act' - everything the judge told murderer Daniel Rounce

When Daniel Rounce was jailed for life with a minimum sentence of 25 years on Tuesday, he was described by the judge as "one of the most difficult, manipulative and potentially disruptive prisoners I have experienced". Rounce had been arrested by Leicestershire Police a few hours after he had walked into the home of a woman while she was having tea with her ex-husband, stabbing the man in the heart before fleeing.

Rounce refused to speak to the investigating officers - or even leave his cell - and also failed to co-operate with his own legal team on many occasions. Last year, having been deemed unfit to stand trial, a "trial of fact" was held and a jury at Leicester Crown Court decided Rounce had committed the act of stabbing Gerald Wickes, 79, in Queens Park Way, Eyres Monsell, Leicester, in February 2023.

But further expert evaluations of Rounce, of The Green, Markfield, decided the 18 year old was fit to stand trial and it began earlier this month. On Monday he was found guilty of murder after he refused to give evidence in his defence.

READ MORE: Judge calls teenage killer 'one of most manipulative prisoners I ever experienced'

He was sentenced on Tuesday and below is the full transcript of what Judge Timothy Spencer KC told him.

"On the 22nd of February last year you murdered Gerald Wickes. You plunged a knife into his chest, thrusting it downward to the hilt. He was 79 years old.

"The killing took place in the living room of what was in effect his own home - a home that was invaded and violated by you. This was a truly wicked act.

"You had gone missing the day before from supported accommodation in Markfield. You stayed off CCTV and stayed off anyone’s radar until being picked up at 10.58am in the Eyres Monsell area.

"You had acquired by then a knife – the murder weapon - and a rock or brick. They were deliberately acquired because you had decided upon a course of violence. And you acquired a motorcycle helmet, intended as a rudimentary disguise

"During the course of the morning you were seen knocking at the door of one of a small close of bungalows, which were obviously lived in by elderly people. You were deliberately targeting the elderly.

"And you deliberately targeted Linda Love – a woman in her 70s when she was on her way home to Queens Park Way. You were just moments behind her as she got home.

"Although she closed her front door, she did not lock it. Significantly, in due course when Garry Wickes came downstairs that door was ajar. Either it came open or you took a chance on it being insecure and having gained entry you left it ajar to aid your subsequent escape.

"Before going into the house you had stored the helmet somewhere and changed your clothing - deliberate acts designed to change your appearance. You left your bags outside so as to not encumber you. Inside the house you went into the living room where Linda Love and Gerald Wickes were.

"You had the knife ready in your pocket, swiftly available and ready to use. You were in control, you told Linda Love.

"Gerald Wickes was no threat to you. As soon as you were close enough to him you plunged the knife into his chest in an act as chilling as it was merciless. You cut into the right ventricle causing catastrophic blood loss.

"Then you fled. You threw the knife into an area of undergrowth. It looks to me like you wiped it first in an endeavour to wipe away the traces.

"You also dumped other items linked to you - bags containg a laptop and documents, and some clothing. But you acquired a brick and reacquired the helmet.

"Again the brick was intended as a weapon, the helmet as a disguise. I'm quite satisfied you had spent the hours beforehand on reconnaissance of the area because you avoided being picked up on camera until moments before your arrest at 11.30pm.

"You said nothing - a policy you continued until the end. You see it as your way of exerting control - well, the jury saw through it all.

"That means that until this morning you never expressed a word of explanation, still less remorse. The explanation proffered this morning has a hollow ring to it and I reject it.

"This killing actually defies explanation.

"You were 17 then and are 18 now. There are voluminous reports on you. I have made two rulings regarding you, on the 2nd of October 2023 and on February 23rd, 2024, in which I analysed the many psychiatric reports on you. It is not appropriate to repeat them in any great detail.

"You are highly intelligent – you passed the Eleven Plus and were accepted at a high performing grammar school. Even now you request heavyweight books regarding history and technical and technological matters.

Daniel Rounce in a police mugshot
Gerald Wickes was stabbed at his ex-wife's home in Queens Park Way, Eyres Monsell

"When you choose to engage you come across as as fluent and articulate. But for most of your time since the age of 12 you have chosen not to engage, not to cooperate with any authority figure.

"You frequently and readily resort to violence – sometimes towards your own mother - and I've seen that myself when you appeared on video link from Wetherby and on day one of the trial when you kicked out at officers in this dock.

"You have had frequent contact with mental health services but no mental health professional has ever been of the view that you have suffered a mental disorder of a nature or degree to warrant your transfer to a mental hospital.

For example, [a report] in May 2023 said there was no thought disorder or delusional thinking, you were not suitable for admission to a mental health hospital. In February 2024 a report clarifies an established diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder but also confirms no assessment has ever concluded you are or have suffered a psychotic illness- nor has there ever been any requirement that you were suitable for treatment in hospital.

"In the simplest of terms, while you are on the autistic spectrum you are not mentally ill. Dr Thakkar, a professor at Nottingham University, is of the view you choose when to cooperate with assessment and when not to.

"Significantly, on October 11, in an unguarded moment when asked why you had not engaged with medical professionals you said you wanted to see what you could get away with - an admission you have sought to manipulate certainly the process of psychiatric assessment and possibly more besides.

"The sentence is custody for life. The setting of a minimum term is dictated by schedule 21 of the Sentencing Act. I do not have to address the statutory test of dangerousness- I would have had no hesitation in finding you dangerous in a legal sense.

"You are highly dangerous in the ordinary sense of those words"

"For someone over the age of 18 the starting point would be 25 years. Because of your age the starting point is lower at 23 years. There must be an upwards adjustment.

"There was significant planning and premeditation. You targeted this home as suitable for your violent intentions. Mr Wickes was in a place which should have been safe.

"That takes the minimum term up to 28 years.

"In mitigation, you have come very close to conviction in your past, so there's no real mitigation. Your age is already factored in, your mental state has been dealt with and there's no real mitigation in that. What you do you do by choice.

"Regarding intent to kill, whilst I am sure you intended to cause very serious and life-changing injuries, I cannot be sure you intended to kill. This was a single thrust of the knife.

"Stand up. The minimum sentence is 25 years. Go down.

"To Mr [Garry] Wickes, my sympathy to your mother, to you and to you family and I pay tribute to the dignity with which you've borne yourselves through the difficult days of two trials.

"To Mr Mockeridge [security officer], Rounce is one of the most difficult, manipulative and potentially disruptive prisoners I have experienced. Handled differently I am quite sure he would have disrupted these proceedings.

"But you and your team have handled him superbly throughout. You all have displayed the highest standards of professionalism and expertise.

"This is a formal commendation to you all. You are an absolute credit to yourselves and to the prison service."